Saturday, January 28, 2012

Parts is Parts

What better way to party on a Friday night than to clean out drawers stuffed with rejected blocks, quilt parts, and leftovers? I've gathered up some of the pieces I thought might still be useable for something or another and grouped them together in the hopes that if you see something you like in a group, you'd be willing to take on it's uglier cousins too.

If you're interested in giving these poor rejects a home, here's what I need you to do. I'll identify each "giveaway" by letter; for instance, Group A. If you want Group A, leave me a comment telling me you want Group A. If you want Groups A, B, and C, you have to leave me three comments, telling me you want only one group in each comment. That way, I can move the comments into the corresponding giveaways, and when it comes time to draw winners, you'll already be sorted. Right? Okay, let's start.


Group A consists of several blocks made from Thimbleberries fabric. Most of these blocks are fairly large--around 12" or larger except for a couple smaller ones.


Group B also consists of Thimbleberries blocks. Most of these are smaller, except for the large blue, white, and green piece on the left--that would make a decent pillow cover top or the center of a tabletopper. After I took this photo, I came across more smallish blocks and added them to this grouping, so you'll be surprised. In fact, I might have added a couple to Group A too, but I'm not as sure about that one.


Yeah, Group C is an odd one and there are two photos of the pieces that make up the group. Again, Thimbleberries fabric. The first photo is of a few random blocks. The second photo is of borders--attached together in a square with no middle. (What you see there that might look like the rest of the quilt top is my chair cover.) This one started as a quilt top, but I didn't like it that well, so I took part of it out and used it in another project.


Are you a gadget person? I'm not. Over the years I've collected several quilters' gadgets I thought I really needed and found I really didn't. And I've been given a few that have languished in a drawer. If "Gadget" is your middle name, maybe Group D may be just the thing you've been waiting for.


I have no words for this one, except to remind you that Cinco de Mayo will be coming up in a couple months.


A tisket, a tasket, six red and aqua baskets.


Don't they just make you want to salute? If you're part of a Quilts of Valor group or are just plain patriotic, maybe Group G is for you.

This group of giveaways is open to anyone in the US and Canada. I'll leave this up for the weekend and pick "winners" on Sunday night, to be announced in Monday's blog post. Thanks!



  1. I would love to be entered in the giveaway for Group A. My email is Thanks!


  2. I would love to have the patriotic blocks. Started a quilt with my own blocks about a year ago, and have put it back for because I couldn't find block I liked. These would fit in great. This if group G.

  3. I am a "gadget geek" and would love to be included in group D!

  4. I am a "kindered gadget spirit" with Suzan---gadget's are my "thing". Please enter me in that drawing! Thanks for the opportunity.

  5. Wow! Thank you for thinking of us. I want to make this easy. I love several. To try to pick is hard but I would love to have the gadgets if you pick me. Thank you again.


  6. I see some potential in group A. I'd love to play with it!

  7. I see a little Christmas in group B, and Christmas is my favorite time of year! I'd love to receive that group too.

  8. Oooh I'd love to be entered in the Group F giveaway for the little baskets! Adorable!

  9. I love Group G - I see lots of patriotic table toppers.
    thanks for sharing all your extras :)
    Dorothy in IL

  10. Ola, I'd like to be in the running for the Cinco de Mayo Group E. Muchas Gracias!

  11. I also would like to be considered for the red and aqua blocks in Group F. They are so sweet.

  12. I'm a gadget girl and would love group D. Thanks for the chance Kim!

  13. Love all the groupings but group G is calling to me. I thank you.

  14. I like Group F. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. Choices choices ... I'll toss my hat into the ring for group A - I've been into cheddar lately!

    Dang, that was tough! Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. grrr! blogger is eating comments again...

    Group E ... i LOVE Group E!!!

    does that make me a groupie?

  17. and Group G (are you SURE you don't want those?!?)

  18. Trying again -- Blogger didn't pick up my first comment. I'd like to win Group G. The hospice has been serving patients who are veterans and they have asked for patriotic quilts for these vets.

  19. I would love to win group B. I have a home for those blocks right now. Those are my colors.

  20. The baskets in group F are lovely. Would like to stitch them up.

  21. New quilter and I have very few 'gadgets' in group D and would love to give them a try!!

  22. My son fell in love with the bright colours of E! (Yes I blog with my kids over my shoulder! They love the pics!!)

  23. Again with the reds in group F! Love the red and Aqua!!!

  24. Group G would give me a HUGE head start on the Red White & Blue baby shower I am planning for my nephew/niece's mother. The theme is "Our Little Darlin' Is A Firecracker". Great - now THAT SONG is going to be playing over and over in my head today. AGAIN!

  25. Rats! I wanted them all, but I'm an Aussie. I get the whole postage thing though. I hope whoever gets them loves them!

  26. I love gadgets! Looks like you have some interesting ones. Please enter me in Group D! Don't have a google id or blog. Melissa in TN

  27. I would like to enter the Group G. I make lots of quilts for Quilts Of Valor and would put these to good use.

  28. Would love to use Group G for soldiers quilts. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I would love to be entered in the give away for group C. That border is beautiful - I can find something to go in the middle! Thanks so much, Deborah in Fort Worth

  31. Would love to win Group F red and aqua baskets-I'm planning to paint my sewing room a light aqua. I can see these in a cute wallhanging. Thanks so much for generously doing these giveaways!

  32. I would love to have group G to make a quilt for charity.

  33. I'm a gadget geek and would love to win Group D. No I probably don't need them but they would make me happy anyway!! Deborah in Fort Worth

  34. Group F would be very welcome at my house. THanks for the chance.

  35. I would love to win group G. My husband just threw away a bunch of our hot pads that were stained. He does most of our cooking so I can't complain. But I see a bunch of new hot pads in that group. Being retired military he would not throw those away!! Thanks, Deborah in Fort Worth.

  36. I love love love those red and aqua baskets and have just the project for them! Count me in. What a great idea. I have been cleaning and sorting too and finding lots of odd blocks and pieces. I may copy you.

  37. well, group g would be perfect for me to finish up and put in my flag room. what's a flag room? it's where all the rw&b quilts and military memorabilia from my dad lives of course, aka, guest room.

  38. hmm, and maybe group f. at first i didn't think i liked the red and aqua thing. but it has been growing on me. probably on it's way out now since i am coming to like it. these are cute representatives of the genre. count me in

  39. let's give a go for group d. i am not a total gadget freak but i see a couple of interest in this pic

  40. Would love those little baskets in F are you sure you don't want them? Kate Spain has made me a red and aqua lover with her Christmas lines! Thanks for the chance!

  41. I love Group F. The baskets are so cute.

  42. oh group "F" please...I am all about the "F" words!

  43. Group G for me...I would like to make another quilt of valor and those would make a perfect start.

  44. Group F for me. Love the baskets.
    Thank you Kim.

  45. I also love group E. I have someone in mind that has a cherry orchard. PERFECT!
    Thanks again Kim.

  46. I'm up for the challenge of Group G. Thanks, Kim!

  47. Oh I'm a gadget person and I see some gradgets in Group D that I haven't tried! Thanks for the chance with the giveaway.

  48. Oh my goodness, you know I love Thimbleberries! Group B is calling me because I know I have those patterns! Thanks for the chance!

  49. I would love to be entered in Group C! Pretty border :)

    P.S. I understand the chair cover is not included in the giveaway, but I couldn't help but mention how cute it is!

  50. good grief woman! is there anything left in that sweatshop !!! hehehehehe ... since I too have the same problem is a disease !!! I won't be a winner ....

  51. Yes I would use some of those gadgets! Please put me in for Group D.

  52. lOVE group F!!!
    Aqua and Red makes me all snap, happy, pop!
    Your baskets are adorable!
    Great giveaways!

  53. I would love group G for a quilts of valor donation. Thanks

  54. Would also love Group F for a quilt for my daughter. I asked her one day how many would be too many quilts for her to own and she said there is no such number. I thought that was so sweet.

  55. As soon as I saw Group E a project popped into mind! I would love to adopt that one if i could be so lucky!

  56. I would love to win Group G. I think they would make a great tabletopper and pillows for my porch.

  57. Group c for me. I can already think of a middle for the border quilt... thanks for being so generous

  58. Sou nova nos retalhos,quadrados etc...Então sou gadget,estou comprando tudo que encontro pela frente,não consegui placa dresden.torço por ganhar grupo D. Aceita uma sugestão?Abra seus sorteios para o BRAZIL.Beijos.

  59. Sou nova nos retalhos,quadrados etc...Então sou gadget,estou comprando tudo que encontro pela frente,não consegui placa dresden.torço por ganhar grupo D. Aceita uma sugestão?Abra seus sorteios para o BRAZIL.Beijos.

  60. I am sure I can figure out something for those lovelies in group A. Thanks for the chance!

  61. I am sure I can make something for my daughter with group B! All of the groups are nice.

  62. What is not to love about red and aqua baskets? I would love a chance for group F.

  63. I have a patriotic quilt on my bucket list! I would love group G to start me off!

  64. I love gadgets!! Please add me to the list for Group D!! Thank you so much for your generosity!! :-)

  65. I love the baskets! May I enter for Group F?

  66. I would just love group G. I'm the Patriotic Quilter after all! How nice to share! Thanks.

  67. I LOVE Group G! I have quite a small selection of patriotic blocks and these match perfectly-- just enough to make a nice sized lap quilt! Thank you for the chance to win! :-)

  68. Please enter me to win Group C. My family room is done in green, rust and tan so the blocks and beautiful border would look great in it. You are so generous with all your giveaways!

  69. I would LOVE to be entered to win group F. I have the perfect sashing and border fabric to pair it with for a cute throw!

  70. Hi! i would like 'A', think a table runner would work for some of those!!!

  71. Hi! i would like "G" those would make a good 4th of July table runner!!!

  72. Would love group G, LOVE red,white and blue,could make a great table runner.

  73. Group F those baskets are sew cute.

  74. The Thimbleberrie fabrics in Group B are wonderful, love the star/log cabin blocks and the house block.

  75. Group F!! Love the aqua and red color combination!!


  76. Ah Group E Por Favor! I LOVE that color combination...the brighter and hotter, the better!

    Fun giveaway...thank you!

  77. Hello Kim - Haven't popped in to read your blog in a while and you never disappoint! I need to gather up some projects and pass them on as you are doing - good idea. I have a partially completed aqua & red project I'd like to finish myself and your little baskets would complete it - please enter me in Giveaway Group F.
    Thanks, Beth in AL
    bhambeth at gamil dot com

  78. Oh my goodness, Group B is begging for me to adopt it! I so can imagine them living in my cozy little cabin. May I please give them a good home, where they will be treated with love & care?

  79. I would love the blocks from Group F. I love that colour combination.

  80. Could you please enter me in the draw for Group D the gadgets. There are a couple of gadgets there that would love to live in my sewing room. Thanks for these great giveaways!

  81. Could you please enter me in the draw for Group B. These blocks would look great in my bedroom, or living room, or guest room...they would look good anywhere!

  82. Kim I would love to win Group D can't have enough gadgets. Thanks for a chance to win. Pauline

  83. Kim please enter me in the drawing for Group G, I love the blocks. It would be a honor to win something you have sewn together.Thanks for the chance to win. Pauline

  84. Hi, You are one generous lady, thank you. Group F Basket Blocks are calling my name. I'd love to be entered to have them come live with me. ;->

  85. I have some of the same Thimbleberries fabric, still makes me smile. Group C looks like a puzzle to me, I love a good puzzle. Thanks again for offering us all a chance! ;->

  86. Sandy from ThimbleberriesJanuary 29, 2012 at 8:21 AM

    I would love to win Group F the Tisk it a Task it. Please enter me to win,

  87. Group G patriotic you can't wrong with these

  88. I'd love to be included in group D. I'm a gadget gal.

  89. Group C!! Might finally finish a TB quilt with that. - Melanie

  90. Group D...can always use more gadgets :)
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  91. Hi Kim,
    You sure have been busy cleaning out some lovely blocks and such. I love the fun Cinco de Mayo that you created. Your quilty friends are going to love it when you draw their names- you do such nice work.
    Hope that you had another terrific day in your sweat shop playing.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!