Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Visions of Sugar Plums?

I'm beginning to feel a little bit of panic. I have Christmas thoughts swirling around in my head and I've been busy scurrying hither and yon, looking for the perfect gifts with no real idea of what I'm looking for. And then I return home and shut myself away in the Sweat Shop, feverishly attempting to complete quilted gift projects.

Most of our gift-giving "events" will take place by the end of this coming weekend, so time is short. I've suddenly realized I've failed to make any real plans, thinking somehow that everything will fall magically into place. Or that it won't, perhaps, but in the back of my mind, thinking that SOMEONE ELSE will step up and handle everything, despite many years' evidence to the contrary. Or maybe I've been thinking that there's plenty of time to worry about that later, except now "later" is here.

Hubby has asked me the last few mornings whether there's anything I'd like him to do to help, but I have no answer, because I have no plan.

Christmas has come too fast. December arrived before October even started, didn't it? Where did the fall go?

Are you disorganized this year? Or are you calm and on track to complete all the tasks on your list by December 24th? Or perhaps you're done already and just sitting back, sipping hot chocolate, and waiting for Santa to arrive? Mostly I'd like to know that I'm not alone in this state of Christmas chaos. But, also, if you're just sitting there pounding down the hot chocolate, maybe you'd like to come over and be that SOMEONE ELSE I'm hoping will save the day? What's your holiday state of mind right now?


  1. You are so not alone!!!! I am sick of being the one to make the plans, I would be quite happy to be the 'doing' one for once !!! Just take a deep breath and make a list, it helped to calm me a little!!!

  2. If you have too many volunteers to help "save the day" the extra's would be welcome to visit me. I will provide the hot chocolate for breaks between tasks. Love your posts.mitar

  3. I am usually right on schedule, everything planned and ready to go. Not this year...I am so far behind, I can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel. Can we postpone Christmas for a few day!

  4. I just realized that it's less than 2 weeks to Christmas. I haven't gotten even 1 gift yet! We've been so busy dealing with my father in law's estate and filling out the beginning paperwork to start the adoption process that I don't even know which way is up. I do know there will be no handmade gifts this year. I just can't do it.

  5. I was wondering about your office -- I remember you filling Christmas mugs for secretaries and going shopping for a day on an office party bus. Tell your boss you NEED that shopping day! Florence

  6. I think that everyone feels the Holiday crunch. Over the years I have let some stuff go.... This year we have two very very small trees - elfin like. Nativity set is up, Santas are out, and wreath on the door...... Take a big breath ....holiday is family time not stuff time...I give you permission to let some stuff go!! Sometimes we need that. Love your ginger bread homes. Happy Quilting, Barbara

  7. You have summed up my feelings so well!!! I laid awake part of the night and tried to figure out how I'm going to get everything done--shopping-which I hate to do, finish the projects I have started for gifts, start and finish my granddaughter's gift, get ready for open house, bake, cards.......I need help!!!!! To add insult to injury we are out of state for a long weekend. I have to let something go so I can enjoy this time.

  8. I've done Nothing! Ok I've bought a few pair of socks for the new DIL...she love socks, some ginger candy for the son. That's it. Their presents need to be shipped to TX. We may be traveling to OH and WV sometime during the holidays...MR isn't real good at making his mind up, and I have to get a dog sitter. If I go I don't have to cook, but should show up with some presents, Don't ya think?
    There are No decorations up in my house. I'm just a bit behind, and not at all feeleing the Christmas spirit, eek.

  9. I'm with you. I'm still stuck in October mode I think. I've done very little shopping and haven't finished decorating my home. I did finally get the tree done yesterday!

  10. i've been done for AGES!!! what is wrong with the rest of you people?!?

    oh ... wait ... you're talking about christmas 2011, aren't you? i just wrote the last check to pay off christmas 2009 ... i'm not sure what happened with 2010 ... but we haven't celebrated spring solstice yet, so why are all of you talking about christmas already?!? seriously!

    p.s. - word ver is beestsh - i think it's beeotch with a little bit of novocaine

  11. Oh gosh, my husband put up the outside lights on Sunday. I decorated the inside of the house yesterday. We still need to get a tree. And boy do I need some good gift ideas and a big shopping trip. So I'm really behind this year. At least my cookies are baked, now if they would wrap themselves up and walk over to the neighbor's house....

  12. Kim, to make matters worse I am not even in the Christmas spirit this year! I do no thave a tree up, I do not have a single gift wrapped. My Husband is working 12 hours xmas eve and 24 on christmas day... I know for the kids I have to somehow pull it together, but if i did not have them, i don't think i would be celebrating at all!

  13. I am in a combination of stunned deer in the headlights...I can't believe I have so little time left...and crying about my mom...and wondering if I'll get all my Christmas cards out...and looking forward to seeing my son and his family...and I gotta make a few dozzen cookies over the next couple of day...and is it Easter yet??? Yeah...that is where I am at.........I actually find peace in the blog world

  14. I hate to be the one to say this but I am finished with the shopping, wrapping and mailing of all my gifts. Of course I had to do it because we are leaving for a holiday cruise on Saturday. Oh wait, I still need to finish the Christmas cards!

  15. every year my husband tells me that the only pressure that there is on me, is pressure that I've put on myself. This year...one batch of sugar cookies (not baked yet), minimum decorations, no cards, gift (very small, gift certificates) and a simple dinner served on the good dishes. That's it, the rest of the time is family time and church time. Just being together and enjoying each other's company. Christmas has gotten way out of line, and it's time to reign it back in. Keep it simple. Michele

  16. My shopping is not done - barely started and I have very few plans except for Christmas dinner that I will do as always. The spanner in the works is that our frig just died, so everything else can go on hold 'til that is taken care of. I did not need a dead frig 2 weeks before Christmas.

  17. I'm pretty much done. Most gifts are wrapped. My daughter's gifts are all wrapped and hidden. I'm usually not this organized but I'm traveling to your fair state tomorrow for work for 4 days so I needed to step it up a bit. My gift sewing is seriously lacking though. THAT is really putting me in a panic!

  18. I'm a little behind, as the family is just thinking about our first grandchild that should be here by December 20th, so everything else has taken a back seat. some shopping done, no wrapping, no cards, some baking finished, but I have a grocery list made. I did a lot of sewing for the baby, so no sewing gifts for others. There is always next year, right?

  19. After working for the postal service for a couple of years, I now have the BAH HUMBUG spirit. I sent out cards one year stating that I was not giving presents, nor receiving them. The money that I had planned to spend would be donated to a local charity. If those who I usually exchanged gifts with wanted to still give me a present, I would like them to donate that money to a charity of their choice instead.
    I send out cards, wish many a Happy Holiday and have for myself a stress-free season.

  20. Girl, I'm the shadow you see of yourself!!! December DID come before October this year---I'm sending a memo to Santa that Christmas is way tooo early this year...

  21. Yep, time is moving too fast!~ and I don't help it by being on the computer as much as I am! I need to be sewing! or baking! or writing! or wrapping! LOL Now you have me nervous too! ;-)

  22. Well let's put it this way. My kids have already been warned that the gifts from mom and dad are going to be late this year. They will get Santa's presents but the ones I traditionally make them are going to just have to wait. My husband got a job in another state the week after Thanksgiving and so we are moving the day after Christmas. Of course it makes the season even more hectic than it always is. I just have to remember to breathe! I hope all goes well and that you have the best Christmas ever!

  23. You are not alone. I did 95% of the shopping online. Still have to pick up a couple of things. Just took down the fall decor inside, still need to remove it from the porch. Need to did out the Christmas decor from the shed. I will or will not get it all done, and Christmas will come, either way. I will enjoy my family, lights or no lights! LOL
    Doris R.

  24. Panic. With a little Christmas magic thrown in. (I'm banking on some magic here.)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!