Monday, December 12, 2011

Three Pictures Are Worth . . .

3,000 words, right?

I highly recommend decorating gingerbread houses as a family "event"--it's a lot of fun. The Wild Child decorated the house on the left, and Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife To Be Someday did the middle house. Mine is the one on the right--the one with candy covering every little bit of it. Hubby didn't want to decorate a house, but he offered words of encouragement from his recliner. Of course, more of his words of encouragement were directed at the football teams on the TV as well as a few not-so-encouraging words. He also wandered in and observed the decorations and periodically offered suggestions.

By the way, did you know that a gingerbread house will serve anywhere from 35 to 40 people and will provide around 120 calories a serving? (And of those 35 to 40 people, at least three will chip a tooth?) Who comes up with serving size and calorie counts for gingerbread houses? And how do you evenly divide a gingerbread house into 36 pieces (the serving size for the middle gingerbread house)?

I guess it's another Christmas puzzle--kind of like how Santa can visit every kid in the world on one night and can make it down all those chimneys.


  1. Those houses really bring back Christmas memories for me. When my kids were little we decorated one every year and it was so much fun. Those are all adorable.

  2. Can't believe there is a "serving size" for gingerbread houses. It's a mad world we live in! They are very pretty though!

  3. I thought Santa's friend Luke Skywalker made sure he was able to reach everyone!!!

    love the contractors in Northern Ca.!

  4. What great gingerbread houses!!!! My daughter and her friends are all coming over this Friday for a night of gingerbread house decorating....I can't wait!!

  5. My cousins and I have gotten together the last few years to make them. They are fun. Sadly, this year the timing didn't work out and I didn't make one. That's okay. I'll make TWO next year! LOL!

  6. Very cute houses! We did it when our kids were small, but now that they are scattered they prefer cookies over rock hard houses. LOL

  7. I guess a gingerbread house serving size is one or two bites. To me, that's an appetizer to an appetizer!

    Your hubby sounds a lot like mine, by the way...drives me crazy when he doesn't want to "participate" in an activity, but decides to pop in and "manage" the process later! LOL


  8. All 3 are beautiful. and the middle one is the pretties son and someday wife did great.


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