Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Santa's Got Nothin' on Me!

I hope your Christmas preparations are coming along nicely. I'm working on what I think are my last four somewhat small Christmas gift projects--I'll get photos and show you after they've been gifted, but I can tell you that I have one done and the other three just need the bindings stitched down.

I have one food-type gift that still needs to be made. I have a couple others made but they still need to be packaged for gifting.

I have some miscellaneous shopping left to do--more or less of the stocking stuffer variety, so I think I can just stop in at a couple places. I had two in mind earlier tonight and now I can only remember one! Hopefully the other store will pop back into my mind. I think I can do at least one during my lunch hour tomorrow.

The couple gifts I needed to mail went into the mail today.

My office is collecting groceries for a local food bank--I did a little shopping during my lunch hour today, so that's one item I can check off my list.

Oh! And I finally remembered to pay bills tonight--something I kept overlooking with all the other things that needed doing. Now my conscience is clear for awhile.

The Wild Child, Soccer Son, His Lovely Wife to be Someday, and I had some tentative plans to go look at Christmas lights sometime this week but we can't seem to work out an evening when we're all available. I may just make a detour or two on the way home from work one night and look at them myself--it's something I really enjoy doing, and it's just not Christmas without that little ritual.

Unless something comes up, I don't think I'll do a blog post tomorrow night. It's getting to be crunch time for Christmas readiness and I think I need the time, even if it's only to sleep. So if you don't "see" me here tomorrow, don't worry about me. Just send some friendly Christmas elves to help, okay?

Now, about the pattern winners.

For Loon Lake, I picked Carol Fun, who said, "Loon Lake is talking to me -- I think it is the bear that's talking, the moose just seems to mumble -- anyway I would love to have this pattern and thanks for your giveaway!"

Caroline gets the sampler quilt pattern. She said, "I would like the Sampler pattern, because my first "real" quilt (other than the basic squares quilt and tied with yarn), is wearing out. Thanks for the giveaway!"

And the winner of the mystery quilt pattern is "Krislovesfabric." She commented that she "would love to try the Mystery quilt with our small quilt group. We are always looking for fun projects to do together, thanks for the chance! Your blog is always fun and often inspiring to read, thanks for your time!! :) Merry Christmas!"

Carol, Caroline, and Kris, please email me your mailing addresses and I'll get the patterns in the mail to you.

Finally, I wanted to ask you a favor. If you've seen a good movie recently, please leave me a comment about it. I think we may go see a movie on Christmas and we're trying to decide which one. Of course, there are a couple that aren't playing yet that we're all interested in, but your opinions will help too.

Merry Last Days Before Christmas!


  1. We just watched The Help this past weekend - best movie I've seen all year. Cannot remember if you've posted about it or not and have to run quick so can't scroll back right now - if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!!


  2. Kim, I just saw New Year's Eve last night - really good movie!!!

    Eileen C

  3. The new Sherlock Holmes film is a great movie to see with the men in your life. Clever, witty, action-packed...

  4. Puss ... in Boots - it's kinda long, and Humpty Dumpty is kinda creepy (actually, he's REALLY creepy) but you get to listen to Antonio Banderas - and his voice is worth the creepy, long stuff...

  5. Yay! I sent you an email with address, thanks for the pattern! As for movie choices...the last one we saw was Puss in Boots and I can't really recommend - too long. We want to see Hugo and Sherlock this week or next and I've heard from friends who enjoyed both...

  6. oh make me proud with all your tasks getting done!!! there is hope for me then!
    I love going to the movies on Christmas but will miss it this year. I hear "War Horse" is opening on Christmas Day and it looks like a wonderful movie...take your tissues.

  7. NICE QUILT IN YESTERDAYS POST!!!!!!! I bet the family fought over the quilt in the gift exchange - I know I would have been in there with strategic planning ...
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. ttyl

  8. Totally agree above with The Descendants. I live in Hawaii and it was filmed here and is so "dead-on." And, best of all, there is an antique yellow Hawaiian quilt that is featured throughout that frankly I couldn't tear my eyes away from, even to watch George Clooney!! I'm off today to see The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo. I'll comment again if it is good. (I LOVED the books.)

  9. We're taking the grandsons to see Hugo today so I'll let you know how it is. Then I want to go see Mission Impossible. Jeremy Renner is a home town Modesto boy so I have to go see that one.

    I rented Larry Crowne and although it didn't get good reviews I loved it's message of optimism!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  10. Woohoo! I won! Thank you very much for your giveaway, but I cannot access your email from work! If you could just send me a msg, I could do it out of my email acct. Thank you!

  11. I hear that Sherlock is great... I want to go see that one... and my coworker just saw Hugo yesterday and loved it. I hope you get to go see the lights with your family. That's a nice tradition. Merry Christmas Kim!

  12. Sherlock son wants to see it again!

  13. Congrats to the winners! Wish I could help you with a movie suggestion, but we always watch ours at home. The popcorn's free! LOL



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!