Thursday, December 22, 2011

Binge Shopping

OMG, there's a REASON I don't normally shop! Remember the cardinal rule of Christmas shopping? Buy a gift, buy something for yourself, buy a gift, buy something for yourself . . . ? Well, I can't seem to even stick to THAT rule! My shopping experience has been more like "buy something for myself, buy a gift, buy three things for myself, decide to keep the gift I bought, buy another gift, buy six things for myself, . . . ."

By the way, I remembered the second store I wanted to go to today. And then I thought of a third. Remember I mentioned stocking stuffer type gifts? I guess I'm stuffing my own stocking.

First I went to Bev Mo and bought several bottles of adult beverages--one is a gift, although I'm trying to justify keeping it for myself. But that could be a problem, you see. Because the person I bought it for? I WAS making them a gift until I realized how nice it would look in my own home. ARGH!

Then I went to Total Beauty Experience, a large store with all kinds of scented, girly beauty products--and a few manly products too. I bought myself several nice things there, and I'm thinking about going back again for the couple things I wanted but restrained myself from buying. Oh, and I guess I DID buy a couple gifts there, but not too many.

The last store was Cost Plus and I actually DID find several gifts there. I guess I must have run out of things I needed for myself. Almost--I did find a couple things for the person at the top of my Christmas list--ME!

I'm pleased to say, though, that my Christmas sewing and shopping is very close to being done. I'll be bringing gifts for my office peeps to work tomorrow, just in case anyone plans to be out on Friday. After that, it's just the family, so picking up a bucket of coal should be pretty simple.

Gosh I'm tired out! It must be all that shopping. Time for bed. I wonder if there are any other stores I should visit on my lunch hour tomorrow? Hummmmmmmm . . . .


  1. oh my...I think I have that affliction too. I bought Vera Bradley bags for my staff....then 3 for me! I am addicted to checking for 'deals' on amazon too. I have got to step away from the computer screen before I get in 'real' trouble.

  2. Hehehe, I want to go shopping with you!!! We would have a cart full of stuff for us :)

  3. I hope to get the last of my shopping done today. sadly I have but one gift under the tree for myself. But this year it is all about the kids! Next year i will begin with the one for you, one for me! Really!! LOL

  4. I would say that is so funny, but it sounds a lot like me. One present for someone else, three presents for me.... Thanks for sharing.

  5. i don't really have anything to say (being the SELFLESS sistuh - bwah ha ha ha!!!)... but the word ver is "potlesse" and i just can't pass up the chance to practice my English/French translations (no pot to pee in ... potlesse por twahlette)

  6. Well you always did say, "It is all about me ..."
    I love you just the way that you are. LOL

    (potlesse por twahlette) I love Dianne's English/French lingo. The "twahlette" runs about the same here ...

  7. You are so funny Kim! But, you know, there is ME in Merry Christmas. You are doing just exactly what you are suppose to do to make the holiday a treat:) for you and all those other people on your list.
    Merry Christmas:)

  8. Ahhh, the joys of Christmas shopping! There has to be some compensation for going out in the craziness, right? LOL


  9. LOL I would love to go shopping with you!~ or be a fly on the wall. :-D
    Too funny! Have a happy day!


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