Sunday, December 18, 2011

Good Stuff

During the holidays, we are often invited to different gatherings where everyone brings an appetizer. The get together we attended tonight--The Greenwold's First Annual Holiday Pictionary Challenge--was no exception.

Earlier this week, I spent a little time online, looking for an appetizer recipe and I came across Honey's Spicy Honey Wings on the Food Network's website. Its five-star rating is well deserved. The real challenge was putting down the wings long enough to play Pictionary!

Click HERE to check out the recipe. If you need an appetizer for a holiday gathering--or if you're attending a tailgate party or a football "event"--don't forget these wings. Oh, yum! I know you'll love them!

Now, what did I do differently from the recipe? Not too much. I ran across Emeril's Essence seasoning at the grocery store a month or two ago, so I had some in my cupboard. That's a time saver, but if your store doesn't carry it, mix up a batch and keep it on hand. The other thing I did differently was to cut the two sections of the wings apart at the joint. I think it makes them much easier to eat and they cooked a little quicker too.

We had an excellent time at the party, even aside from the food. Pictionary was played girls versus boys, and the boys won. I'm sure they cheated. I'm also sure we'll have a rematch!

Are any of you interested in making a lighthouse quilt? Here's a cool pattern I found in my pattern stash that I don't think I'll ever make. If you'd like it, leave me a comment asking to be put into the drawing and I'll pick a winner tomorrow night.

I have a couple more random patterns I'll give away in the next day or two, so make sure you check back, even if you're not interested in lighthouses.

Now it's time for me to get to bed, because there's another Christmas gathering tomorrow--and I have more appetizers to make. Stuffed mushrooms for that one. I'll be sure to let you know how they turn out!


  1. I would love the pattern. Ihave someone in the family who loves lighthouses.

  2. Greetings from Spain.
    I like your blog and will visit every day.
    Merry Christmas
    Mamen kisses

  3. Thanks for the drawing I would love it.

  4. Your pattern looks perfect for my friend, she lives on a barge. She loves lighthouses, the beach and everything that involves the water. ;->

  5. My hubby would be over the moon if I made a lighthouse quilt for him. Please include me in the drawing.

  6. Oh that would be the perfect pattern for my dad. Two summers ago he was a volunteer to work on the lighthouse that is in the Boston Harbor. He was able to live at the lighthouse for two weeks. I have been looking for a lighthouse quilt pattern. Thanks so much for the chance to win one, Barbara

  7. I have wanted to do a lighthouse quilt for a long time. Would love to win this.
    Love your blog. It has become a must reading every day ;~}

  8. you have the coolest patterns, Kim ... i love lighthouses and this post made me go searching for lighthouse quilt patterns (just for stuff and grins) and now you've megged me again (remember the Bunny Hill autumn pattern that you and your peeps are gonna work on next year? Megged Me, that's what you did - and we all know that i don't applique, right?!?) ... anywho, when i don't win, i know just where to go to get one ... by then (tomorrow or so) i'll have forgotten why the heck i bookmarked the site and why i thought i would ever get around to learning applique, let alone appliqueing a lighthouse - but that's one of my endearing traits, innit?!?

    am i rambling?

  9. Oh, I would love to make that for my Dad who loves lighthouses and lives in NY! Applique is on my "to learn" list for 2012 so I'm not ready for a pattern of this magnitude yet, but whoever wins this will have a beautiful quilt -- good luck to all!

  10. you have way to much fun! LOL cute lighthouses!

  11. You have so many interesting patterns! I'm envious! Thanks for this opportunity to win one.

  12. That pattern would be perfect to make for my sister-in-law -- her house is decorated in lighthouses but she does not have a lighthouse quilt.

  13. Oh, WOW I'd love to win this. I love lighthouses.

  14. Oh the wings sound wonderful! I don't think I would attempt the lighthouses either, so please don't include me this time. Have a happy day!

  15. Oh Kim, I would love the lighthouse pattern. My son's in-laws are into boats and anything to do with the water. Very appropriate. Thank you for the opportunity to win this prize.

  16. My sister in law would love this!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!