Monday, December 19, 2011

Counting Down . . .

Can you believe Christmas is less than a week away? Crazy, isn't it?!

My friend Lisa had a couple of holiday decorating ideas I wanted to share because they're fast and simple. I think many of us have this type of chandelier. To dress it up, Lisa cut apart an artificial garland and made small wreaths. She added a decorative ornament and a bow to each, and hung one from each arm of the fixture.

I also loved this idea--adding votive candle holders in a larger, attractive candle that was nearing the end of its life.

Lisa has a housecleaner who also has a business staging homes for sale, and putting the votives into the candle was her idea. Wouldn't you love to have someone come in and clean your house AND decorate?! When the votives are lit, the large candle looks just like it did originally with the flickering light illuminating the sides.

We had Hubby's family's Christmas gathering today and my gift--we do one of those Mad Santa gift exchanges--was this quilt that I finished quilting the other day:

Several of you thought I SHOULD count it as my 11th quilt in 2011, so I will--and that means I've reached my goal. I sure was itching to work on one of my applique projects tonight, but I'm not done making Christmas gifts yet, so the evening was spent in the Sweat Shop, working on a couple last-minute projects. The applique will need to wait.

Speaking of applique, I picked a winner of the lighthouse pattern. The winner, Barbara, said:

"Oh that would be the perfect pattern for my dad. Two summers ago he was a volunteer to work on the lighthouse that is in the Boston Harbor. He was able to live at the lighthouse for two weeks. I have been looking for a lighthouse quilt pattern. Thanks so much for the chance to win one."

Barbara, please email me your mailing address and I'll get the pattern in the mail to you.

As I mentioned, I have a couple other random patterns, and I'll try to get those posted tomorrow so you can see whether you might be interested. Thanks for taking time to stop by!


  1. I ahve done that with candles, too! Sometimes I stock up on the tiny tea canldes and use them! it is a great way to get your value out of a good candle! (and I only burn one or two that smell and the others are cheap unscented ones)

  2. Kim, I love this quilt! Did you do a meander design on it? You do such beautiful work! Thank-you so much for sharing your life with us, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, and most of all, the FUNNY!

    Doris R.

  3. Love the Christmas tree pattern quilt. What pattern is it?

  4. fantastic tree quilt! love it:) Barb from

  5. I love, love, love your tree quilt! That fabric collection and the design are perfect! Great candle idea!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!