Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hubby came home from Florida late Friday night, and it's nice to have him back home again. I think he was happy to be here too. He's not usually the type of person to think of bringing souvenirs home--if he thinks of anything along those lines, it's usually just postcards--but this time, he did.

I don't know about you, but I tend to cringe internally just a bit when someone says something like, "I wanted to get you something that I knew you wouldn't buy for yourself." Because seriously? There's not much I'd like that I wouldn't get for myself. I'm generally pretty self-indulgent. But that's exactly what Hubby told me as he was pulling a plastic bag out of his carry on luggage. And that wasn't the only clue he gave me. He also told me he had to get the mystery item wet before he boarded the plane so it would fold up into his carry on.

What did he bring back for me? Can you guess?

Hubby brought me a very large sponge that--as he told me--could be used in a vase or to hold dried or artificial flowers. It could also be put into a bowl of water and sprinkled with seeds and the plants could root in the sponge. Kind of like a chia pet but larger and more organic.

I've mentioned to you before that we live in a small house. As Hubby soon figured out, there really wasn't any place to store this chia pet sponge when it wasn't in use, so after peering into a couple closets and scratching his head for a few minutes, he came to the same decision I usually arrive at: It will need to be put in the garage for now.

So up until now, I was okay with the sponge (but more appreciative of the fact that he thought of me at all, really). I'm sure I'll find a need use for it at some point. But I came home from work today to find the sponge was no longer in the garage; somehow it had ended up back in the house, on the desk next to my computer. Hummmm.

Normally, I'd just go ahead and let a sleeping sponge lie, but I have--or at least I THINK I have--house cleaners coming tomorrow to clean my house, so I'm pretty busy tonight trying to tidy everything unnecessary away so they can adequately dust and vacuum. A sponge is not something I want to leave out--at least not the kind of sponge you can't use to clean a house with!

I already knew there was no room in the closets, but I eventually came up with the perfect alternative location on Hubby's nightstand. Do you think he'll notice anything unusual?


  1. It looks like fur on the lamp! What an odd present, but I know you will find a need/use for it if it ever gets to quit being a lampshade!

  2. What a clever idea! A lamp shade you don't need to vacuum.....you can just rinse it out. (smile)

  3. I think you might get a few funny looks from the cleaners over this one as well!! LOL

  4. LOL - it looks great where you put it. This gift is right up there with the knife sharpener that I got from DH - (like you I did appreciate the thought - honest) and am still scratching my head.

  5. That is hideous And a dust collector.

  6. Kim, as I was reading your post, I was afraid of what was coming next, especially when you mentioned that your hubby had to "wet" the item. I was picturing airport security.... LOL.... sponge was not my guess but very funny.
    Love your posts!!!

  7. OMG, Kim, you just crack me up! So funny! Thanks for the giggle this morning.

  8. Naw--he won't notice--it's subtle. ha ha!

  9. I've seen those sponges in FL before and thought they look very cool, but didn't know what I could do with one. Now I see they look great as a lampshade. I'll have to buy one now!

  10. I'm guessing he was in Tarpon Springs!! Nice that he thought of you!!

  11. Oooo~~ What a perfect place for the sponge!!!!! LOL

  12. I think you are fooling us, this is photoshopped?

  13. Hi Kim, love it as a lampshade, but it actually does a mighty fine job serving its actual purpose as a sponge. Natural sponges are so much better to use than artificial ones for things like washing the car. Regardless of how you use it, I am glad that you are enjoying that he thought of you. :-)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!