Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Best Laid Plans . . . .

What Was Supposed to Happen Today:

1. A cleaning crew would thoroughly clean my house under Hubby's somewhat loose supervision, while I was at work but according to some written suggestions I'd left for them about what I would like done;

2. Hubby would join me for a nice dinner at a local pasta restaurant after I got off work and before he went to a photography class;

3. Hubby would then attend a class to learn more about using his camera while I went home and had a peaceful evening, alone at home, just me and my spotlessly clean home.

What Did Happen Today:

1. The Wild Child called me at work, mad because she felt something I'd written for the cleaners about her room was insulting to her--not at all what I intended. I felt bad.

2. Hubby called to tell me the cleaners weren't coming until 4 p.m., which meant we'd need to cancel dinner together . . .

3. . . . and I'd need to arrange to get off work early so I could get home before Hubby had to leave for his class.

4. Then the cleaners called to say they wouldn't arrive until around 5 p.m. Or did I prefer to choke on dust until Sunday, when they could come earlier? (No thanks. Tonight works.)

5. Instead of quietly enjoying my peaceful, clean house, I sat in the living room, eating cold, leftover chow mein and trying to stay out of the way of the cleaning crew.

6. Then, when they left, instead of quietly enjoying my peaceful, clean house, I spent time taking care of some cleaning tasks they didn't do and putting things back where they belonged.

Really, this was just the second time I've had someone clean my house, but both times they didn't mop the kitchen floor. Is that normal? I mean, is damp mopping a linoleum floor something most people don't do when they clean house? I always have and never thought twice about it until now.

I guess I'm kind of cranky tonight. I think maybe some vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce would make me feel better. I sure hope no one's eaten it all.

Oh, and Hubby? He thinks the sponge light shade is kind of neat. Figures, eh?


  1. Sorry you had a rough day, and I've never had anyone clean my house before so I wouldn't know anything about that. Maybe tomorrow you guys could have your dinner instead?

    Again, hopefully tomorrow it will be better for you...

  2. from my sister's experience with HER housecleaners - yes ... she had a bi-weekly service for a couple of years and complained about them every time - there was one particular dust bunny (she let him grow under a particular chair) that grew into a full-grown rabbit before she'd had enough and decided she could sweep and mop better than the pros ... clean floors, clean sinks and toilets, clean tub - you'd think those are just basic, wouldn't you?!?

    p.s. - that is one big a$$ sponge, innit?!?

  3. In the day when I had a cleaning lady, I never had this problem! I would say something to the service. Floors are a priority in my book. Love Diane's comment about the dust rabbit~ hope you don't have any of those!

  4. Yes, that is why I now clean my own house. Hubby said they never looked over their head or below their knees. They would skip whatever they thought they could get away with. They acted like I was nuts when I ask if they vacumned the furniture. Less stress to do it myself.

    As for the lampshade, whatever he thinks is cool is okay. LOL!

    Linda Z

  5. Through the years I have had cleaning ladies, and tried a cleaning service once. Only one or two were ever very good. Yes, your floor should have been mopped. I would call the company and let them know. If I owned the company, I would want to know as you hire these people to stand up to your name. So sorry your day ended up like this. Hope today is better.

  6. Mopping the kitchen floor is a must and is usually the last task done before walking out the door!I guess you need to write it on the "list" as is obviously isn't on their list. Some days, you just have to roll with the punches...have some more caramel sauce directly from the jar :)

  7. It sounds like you need to find a new housecleaning crew! There just isn't any excuse for a slipshod performance, especially when it's costing you your hard-earned money (and ruining your quiet evening!) Incidently, I am back on my quilting blog...check it out! The link is on my main blog. I am putting your blog site there too. Have a great day enjoying the sponge lamp! :-)

  8. mopping the floor definitely should have been done! that's one of the main reasons I'd WANT a cleaning crew! I hate cleaning, especially floors!

  9. Kim ~ Yes, mopping the floor should have automatically been done as part of the service. Should also be reported to boss/owner so all have opportunity to improve. Which reminds me ~ good idea to provide your own mop,the one you use & keep. You don't even want to know how many different places or where the "cleaning service mop" has been used!!I am adding my own little touches to "Rabbits prefer Embroidery" from Bunnyhill Designs so am especially enjoying your bunny quilt blocks.So cute!Thank you, Kim for sharing your many wonderful quilts!
    Penny in SoCA

  10. Kim -- Here are the basics your cleaning lady/service should do ... clean the bathrooms, vacuum, dust, sweep and clean the floors. I am lucky enough to have a housekeeper twice a month ... if she didn't clean my floors, I wouldn't employ her. She does such a great job I often wonder why it looks so much better when she does it. My daughter says "because she's a professional!" I would recommend a private housekeeper on a recommendation from a friend over a service. I'm sure there are some good services out there, but I've heard more complaints about services than compliments.

  11. No NOT normal. Wow do I feel lucky because I have a cleaning "wonder woman" who actually gets down on her hands and knees and does the floor mopping! If I worked my butt off for several days, there is no way I could accomplish what she does in four hours. I feel extremely blessed. Get references from others and keep shopping for a decent cleaning crew.


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