Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Owls, Bunnies, and This and That

Here in Sacramento, we've had a very warm fall with temperatures in the 80s just about every day. Finally today, November 1st, brought a bit of a cool down with high winds. The gusty winds prompted a call from Soccer Son who was concerned about the skeletons on the front patio, although they seemed to survive intact--probably because there's not a great deal of mass to bare bones and the wind could blow right through them!

It looks as through cooler temperatures may be here to stay now, since rain is forecast for just about every other day in the foreseeable weather future, and I couldn't be more pleased! With the cooler weather, it was a perfect day to curl up on the couch and read a good book, and as evening approached, a nice cup of hot chocolate seemed just the thing as I started on another block of the rabbit quilt.

This is my last week at home before I return to work, and I have many things I'd like to get done, although I know I can't get EVERYTHING accomplished. I have a king sized Christmas quilt top I want to get quilted, and with that in mind, I ordered some extra wide backing fabric today--it should arrive in a few days. Then I'll be able to get the quilt pinned and begin the quilting.

Hubby's been visiting a friend in Florida for about a week and a half now, and he'll return home on Friday. I'm the kind of person who craves a bit of alone time now and then, and with Hubby's disability and the fact that he can't work, alone time is something I don't get very often. I'll be happy to see him come home, but it's also been nice to have the peace and quiet of an empty house--when the Wild Child is in school or working.

Have you been following the Ghastlies blog hop? There are so many great projects to see, and I DID break down and buy more of the focus fabrics this week--they should also arrive by mail soon. Sunday night, as I was checking on the Monday blog hostesses, I saw the most excellent quilt creation I've seen in a long, long time over at TiramiSue's blog. Click on her name to go check it out if you haven't already seen it. I loved it so much that it seems I dreamed about it that night, because I woke up Monday morning still thinking about it.

I haven't yet heard from one of the winners from my blog hop day; if I don't hear anything by Friday, that person will forfeit her prize and I'll contact my back-up winner. One of the reasons I ask that people come back to see if they've won is because I really like to make sure prizes go to my readers.

Wednesday I plan to run a few errands. One of those errands is to pick up the fused glass from last week's class--I've heard from the instructor that it turned out well, so I'm excited to see it, and I'll be sure to share a photo with you.

Time, now, to get to bed and snuggle down under a quilt or two since the nights are chilly and my bed warmer is in Florida. I'm glad you stopped by for a visit.


  1. Love that owl mug. I saw it in the store and really wanted one but since DH was with me and I've promised to do better with the budget, I resisted. :)

  2. I cannot wait to see your next bunny block. The others were fantastic. I agree, that victorian, steam punk wall hanging over at Tiramisue is spectacular. I adore it, too!

  3. Your blog is just so funny and gives my day a lift. I also looked at Tiramisue's quilt and it is unbelievable. What talent she has! That would take me just about forever to complete and I'd never think of everything that she has done. Have a nice last week of rest and rehabilation!

  4. Your bunny blocks are so cute! I'm not looking forward to winter at all. It was 72 here yesterday and today it's 35 with rain changing to snow...YUK! I need to move to Arizona during the winter.

  5. Yup it is time to get the ole' hot chocolate going. Your picture looks yummy. Looking forward to Friday.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!