Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shopping is Tiring!

I know we all claim that shopping can be an exhausing experience, but it really IS sometimes, especially when we're not feeling completely up to par. In my case, right now that means my continuing recovery from the carpal tunnel release surgery. I think I sort of forget it's only been a week.

I've been looking for kitchen chair pads lately and found some at Target online, but the website told me the closest store with the chair pads in stock was nearly a half hour drive away. So this morning I got in the car and headed out. The map program I used warned me of traffic delays due to road work, but the back-up I hit this morning was more than a delay--traffic was virtually stopped on the highway about a mile or so before my turn off. Finally I found out why.

Despite numerous signs warning of an approaching sharp curve that should be taken at no more than 20 miles an hour, this trucker failed to slow down in time and tipped right over the center divider--right where all the road construction was taking place.

At the Target store, I found my chair cushions and more--of course! But here's what I really like to see in a Target store:

Yep, a Starbucks. What could be better than Target AND Starbucks?!

Coming back, I passed the accident site again, on the other side of the barrier. By this time, traffic in the other direction had been detoured off the freeway and they were trying to lift the truck with a crane.

A couple months ago, I purchased a Beverly's Groupon that gave me $30 of fabric for $15. Beverly's is a California fabric/craft/decorating store chain; this particular location was converted to carrying nothing but fabric and sewing supplies about a year ago; it was fun to see its new incarnation. My Groupon was due to expire in two days, so I really needed to redeem it--despite the fact that it was on the opposite side of town from my earlier excursion. Here's a general view of the store--what you see looks a little crazy but it's actually not badly organized.

About a quarter of the space is devoted to quilting and cotton fabrics--and that section of the store looks much more organized. One of the nice things about Beverly's is that they actually carry the same designers and fabric brands that most quilt shops carry, so it's another option for quilters in search of the perfect fabric.

What did I buy? A couple of pieces of fabric that I'll use in Christmas projects. And some other non-fabric odds and ends I needed for a couple of ongoing projects.

I didn't expect it, but by the time I left Beverly's, I found the driving I did--driving my car AND driving a shopping cart around the two stores--really tired out my hand. Most of the time, my hand doesn't hurt at all, and so I tend to forget it's not as strong as it used to be. I'll be getting the stitches out in another day and before long, I'll be doing exercises to regain the strength in that hand, but in the meantime, I just need to remember to slow down a little. Sitting around and reading or watching TV isn't really a BAD thing at this point. It's just hard to remember when there are so many plans and ideas in my brain! Patience is not my strong suit.


  1. Isn't it funny how sometimes truckers think they are above the signs! We have a truck eating bridge in our city!! Dispite the MANY signs warning trucks that it is only a 11ft 8in height clearance! And they are warned MILES up the hill... i would say that every month or so there is another truck eaten by the overpass! I do think it is a train bridge! hehe There is even a local radio station that has a portion of their sight just for trucks that have been eaten!!

  2. Just found your blog..became a follower because it looked so interesting...Shopping is fun..once you get where you are going...

  3. Which beverly's is this? Have been to the Roseville one, so don't think it is that one. Share, please share! Thank you!

  4. Wow, I hope the truck driver was not hurt! Never seen that before, what a mess.

    I miss the Beverly's that was in our downtown for so many years. It was one of my favorite stores. Now they are only down in L.A.

  5. Here in Jacksonville, we have an exit ramp off of I-95 that is VERY steep and tightly curved. There is a sign for everyone to slow to 20 mph...as in your case, one trucker missed it, ignored it, whatever...his truck went over and down an embankment about 75'. He was seriously hurt and his truck was totaled.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!