Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Fall!

Fall officially arrives today, and what a good time it is to announce the winner of the Vineyard Seasons book by Susan Branch. There were 30 entries, so 16 seemed like a good number right in the middle of the bunch--and number 16 turned out to be Julie-Julia who said, "HI Kim. Enter me! Happy all went well. Julie-Julia"

Congrats Julie-Julia! Let me know how to best get the book to you.

It's still WAAAAY hot here in Sacramento--100 degrees today. My friend Lisa picked me up this afternoon, and we went to lunch at the Flower Farm. (You can read about an earlier trip I took to the same place--with photos--HERE.)

Despite the heat, there was a nice breeze on the covered patio, so we ate outside and enjoyed the scenery of the nursery and the pond. I found two grasses to plant in our front yard to replace a couple plants that haven't done well out there, and Lisa and I each brought home some fresh heirloom tomatoes and basil from their farm stand. Yum!

I thought I'd share a couple more photos of the Halloween decorations. Remember Cackling Rosie, my thrift store buy last year? Well, she's back!

Tomorrow (today) I plan to make a pumpkin-buying trip--her lap is a perfect spot to hold a rather large pumpkin. And I have another photo of the living room--I wanted to share this idea with you. The framed "picture" above the fireplace is actually a fabric panel--simple to do if you have a frame on hand and the panel can be used later in a quilt or other project--or left in the frame if you prefer.

Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Super decorating! I wish I did that to my house. It just looks so inviting.


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