Thursday, September 22, 2011

Deja Vu

Before my first carpal tunnel surgery in June 2010, I didn't really know what to expect as far as sewing after surgery and how long I'd be unable to use my hand very much. In the end, I found the surgery didn't hinder my sewing much at all, although it's not wise to sit and sew for TOO long. I knew, though, back in June 2010, that I'd probably die of boredom if I couldn't do some sewing, so I got everything prepared ahead of time to make the quilt that's now on my kitchen table--a couple of you asked about it.

I used this pattern, Scrappy Trails, as the general idea, although I can't remember whether I cut everything to the same sizes. I DO recall that I cut all the strips and center squares from fabric in my Halloween stash before the surgery so I could just sit and sew simple seams afterward--I figured I could do that single handed if necessary.

Of course, since everything was cut already, it only took a few days to sew the rest together. I don't remember when I quilted it, but I just used a large, all-over meander, so the quilting went pretty fast too.

It felt kind of odd to pull it out and put it on the table and remember back to my first surgery just before I was going to have my second!

This time, I really didn't pre-prep any projects, but I'm finding plenty to work on anyway. More than enough to keep me busy between pain pills and naps, that's for sure! The soreness and ache is pretty minimal now, so I don't think I'll be doing too much more napping or taking very many more pain pills, so maybe I'll have some new projects to share before long.

In any event, this Halloween project is a nice and simple way to use some of your leftover Halloween scraps. Click HERE for a link to directions for making the half log cabin blocks.


  1. I'm glad that your surgery went well and you ended up having a nice relaxing day to recoop from the initial trama. Your fall decor and quilt look nice and warm and cozy... a perfect setting to mend in.

  2. Great Halloween quilt! Glad that your surgery was not too bad. How smart to have sewing ready for recuperation time.


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