Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hallowe'en 1904

Gosh, thanks for all the compliments on the Halloween quilt! A couple people mentioned how quickly I'd gotten it done--not! Seriously, I've been working on the quilt since 2009 when the pattern came out, and by the time I pulled it out again this year, I only had two blocks left to go and then the border--and I've been working on those two blocks for the last week or two, so I'm not as speedy as I might seem.

First thing this morning, I went out to the garage and set up my two tables and got busy pinning the quilt. I was surprised to find it took me four hours to pin baste! FOUR HOURS! But it got done and then I took a nap. Later in the afternoon, I started the quilting. I think it's going to go relatively quickly, but it will still take about a week, I think, to finish.

Someone asked about the size of the quilt--the pattern states it's 90" square. I made mine about 10" larger by adding the inner border and the longer piano key strips, and the photo I showed yesterday was on my king size bed.

Now that I'm done with the pattern, I'd like to pass it on. From the comments, I gather several of you already have it, but if you don't and you're seriously interested in making the quilt, please leave me a comment saying you'd like to win the pattern.

I'll pick a winner Wednesday night and post the name on Thursday's blog post. Make sure you come back to see if you've won. Thanks for visiting.


Valspierssews said...

I love the quilt Kim. Applique and big blocks are my favourites along with pumpkins :) I would love to win the pattern.

jirons42 said...

I am in the process of making a quilt for each month for my bed. This pattern would make a wonderful October quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win the pattern.

Pink-a-Palooza said...

I'm already collecting fabs for this quilt! Now all I need is the pattern...



Edith said...

This is really a striking quilt. I would love the pattern. If I don't win, is it still available?
I am impressed with all you are getting done this year. Keep quilting and blogging!

Frankie said...

I love your quilt and have loved this pattern since the first time I saw it. I've tried to be good and hold off on buying it since I already have so many projects going. : ) I'd love to win it and make my own fall quilt.

Anonymous said...

I adore your quilt and would love to win the pattern although, it would take me a ocuple of years to complete, too! But so worth it! (Oh drats! My word verification is "noget"...as in I "no get" pattern? LOL!)

Debra said...

I have long admired this quilt and would love to win the pattern! Your quilt is wonderful!

Kim said...

I'd love to win this pattern. I have admired it since I first saw it on your blog. Now, it may take me two years to get it done, but I would get it done!

Judy V said...

Hi , I would love this pattern, any thing that reminds me of fall. I already have fabrics that would look good for this quilt. Thanks for the chance.

Dorothy said...

Hi Kim- I was just pulling out fall things and realize I don't have as many fall quilts as summery type ones, so I would love the pattern.
Dorothy in IL

Sparky said...

I would love this...and this one is yours....I was married on halloween..sew this one I would make..hands down..

tpott said...

I love your quilt, Halloween is my all-time favorite holiday. Please don't enter me in for the giveaway, It's a very large quilt that I know I don't have time to make right now. I just wanted to comment. I also am in love with all things "Ghastlie", your Ghastlie quilt is beautiful. ;>

Linda said...

Love LOVE this quilt. It's been on my wish list for so long. I would love the pattern!

Maryjo said...

Your quilt is stunning...love all that you share on your blog. I would love to win the pattern...how generous of you! Mary Jo

QuiltingFitzy said...

I'd love to create something for the touch of fall...even if fall doesn't come here until December. I can pretend!!!

Thanks for your generosity, once again.

Anonymous said...

I would be thrilled to actually win this - it will take me a year to make, but I would absolutely do it! Your generosity is amazing. Good luck to all!!

Cindy in SC

Quilty Conscience said...

I would, like so many others, love to win this pattern. I would commit to using it this year. I have already been on Ebay searching for one to buy...but I ask myself "Would I use it now?" If I win, I promise to USE IT NOW! Thanks for your fun blog. Toni

kcenya1950 said...

I would love to win this. I wanted to buy the pattern when it came out but couldn't find it locally and I guess I never got around to ordering it on line. your version looks great. it is a very sophisticated halloween quilt I think

Mary said...

I would love to win this pattern. I remember when this came out and wished I had gotten one. Yours is gorgeous.

Carol said...

I don't have this pattern and would love a chance to win it. I really like how yours turned out Kim and looking forward to seeing it all quilted up.

Darlene said...

I've enjoyed your progress with this quilt, Kim. I'd love a chance to win the pattern. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt. Fall/Halloween is my favorite time of the year. Can't wait to start this quilt! Dori

Winona said...

Your quilt top turned out gorgeous. I would love to win this pattern. Although I am not a fan of Halloween, I do love pumpkins and stars. I would make this more a fall type quilt than Halloween. Have a good one.

Laura K said...

I love all things Halloween and I don't have a Halloween quilt. I guess it is time I made one and I would love to make this one. Thank you so much for passing on the pattern!

Brandie said...

Ooo Please, O please, let me be a winner! There is nothing better than a Halloween quilt. Love it!

rjk said...

I would love to win this pattern, it looks like such a nice autumn quilt with piecing and applique.

Abbybeth said...

one of my besties and I are loving this pattern - it'd be really fun to work on it together! Thanks for offering it up :)

Sheila said...

I love the quilt. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I would love to have this pattern. Please draw my name!

Kathy H said...

I have loved this quilt from the first time I saw it in a magazine. I would love for a chance to win the pattern.

sweetbabies00 said...

Kim, please put my name in the hat. Beautiful quilt.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win that pattern. I've considered buying it a couple of times, but so far have resisted. I know that it would also be a long time project. Thanks for sharing and for the offer.
cindy cke49 at yahoo dot com

Janet said...

Add my name to the "want to win the pattern" list - the second you showed that last week I went to Colonial Crafts and put it on my wish list ... winning would make it so much better!

What do you quilt on - regular SM or short/mid/long arm?

PiecefulChaos said...

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I adore this pattern - I'd love to win it! Thanks for the opportunity!

Bev Brookens said...

Would love to have this Pattern. Just love Blackbird patterns.

Janet said...

Five little quilters staying up late,
The first one said,
"Oh my, it's getting late."
The second one said,
"But we don't care."
The third one said,
"I see stitches in the air."
The fourth one said,
"Let's sew, and sew, and sew."
The fifth one said,
"Get ready for some fun."
Then whoosh went the wind,
and on went the lights,
the five little quilters sewed through the night!

I would LOVE this pattern. Thanks for the draw.

Kristi said...

I would love to have this pattern. Thanks for passing it on to a lucky winner!

Gabriele said...

This is a nice pattern.I would love to win this one :-)

Sandy said...

Me, me, pleeeaaase pick me! Love your blog, can't wait to read it everyday. You are a very, very talented lady! Thanks for being so generous with your pattern give away.

Anonymous said...

Kim, you never fail to inspire, teach, or humour us! Your blog is a wonderful breath of fresh air. I am always blown away by your work, and the speed with which you get things done. I LOVE this pattern, and would love to win it! Thank-you for the chance to own it!

Doris R.

Theresa said...

I would love to have a chance with this pattern!!! It is so cute!!! Thank you for the opportunity~~

Vivian said...

Your projects are colorful and inspiring, and wandering through your blog and posts is more fun than any quilter should have. But we just keep looking and enjoy every minute.
My birthday and 9 family members' birthdays are in the fall. It's my favorite season, without question, and this quilt would be great fun to make.

Anonymous said...

You are just too, too generous! I'd love to make this fall quilt.

Amy said...

I would love love love to win this pattern! It's just so pretty!!!

hadacres said...

I love your quilt & would love to make one similar. Put my name in the hat please.

Patty said...

I would love to win this pattern. I hace the perfect new piece of cheddar that would be a great jumping off spot to pick fabrics.

Thanks for the opportunity!

Debbie Lou said...

I absolutely LOVE this quilt, Kim and I would love to have the pattern. I love all things fall and especially Halloween. You did an awesome job on your quilt, and I would love to make one, too. Thanks for the opportunity.

Josie McRazie said...

Halloween is my favorite! I would love to win the pattern! I think the blocks alone would be cute throw pillows, too!!

Bobby said...

This would be so neat to make..I love this quilt....It would take me a while to make it, but that would be okay. Thanks for the chance.

Lisa Boyer said...

Oooh! I've wanted this pattern for so long! Totally love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this pattern! I love Halloween and I love the vintage look of it. Sue in MN