Wednesday, August 3, 2011


More and more, I find myself thinking, "Really?" when anyone does something idiotic. A fellow driver, a coworker, a waiter. Of course, a simple "Really?" expresses so much in so few words, it's not hard to understand why it's become so popular. And it's kind of a satisfying way to express frustration without resorting to profanity.

The other day, I went into Starbucks and waited in line while the woman in front of me tried to decide what to order with her free birthday drink coupon. Then she had another coupon for a free sweet treat, and wanted to know what each and every treat in the dessert case was. Having made her decision and proffered her coupons, the employee discovered the woman's treat coupon was expired. Then her purchase exhausted the amount left on her Starbucks card and she had to come up with the balance of the charge in cash. While I was waiting, five more customers had come in, and looking back, I saw the line snaked around toward the door.

Finally I ordered and paid for my drink, and I stood by the service counter, waiting. And waiting. The woman ahead of me had taken her drinks (did I forget to mention she also ordered a treat and drink for an elderly house-bound friend?), and the barrista was blending a Frappucino for the next customer instead of finishing up my iced latte. It was then that without conscious thought, an audible "Really?!" slipped out.

I kind of wonder whether "really?" is too much a part of my mental vocabulary if it can slip out without thought, because I really didn't mean to be rude. I know those Starbucks employees were only doing what they've been trained to do. And as I said, I suppose it's better than swearing, but I can see I'll have to censor myself a little better and stop thinking aloud. It seems that many of the people around us are rude and thoughtless these days, and I'm sure I don't need to add to the problem. Sheesh!


  1. Well, really, eh?! Really what is a girl to do, sheesh I am going to be thinking about "really" in my dreams and I am calling you at work tomorrow if that is all I use at the shop tomorrow - REALLY!! Love yha toots!

  2. Really is a great word to use for rude thoughtless people. I don't think their rudeness should be passed over and Really is a great way to get it across to them and maybe make them think about the actions or words.

  3. "Really" is so much nicer than so many other words you COULD use!

  4. Thank you. My work puts me in "direct line of fire" from public rudeness. I needed reminding to treat others as I would like them to treat me.

  5. But it was justified, after all, you were in Starbucks, and you don't mess with a woman trying to get her Starbucks! LOL You wouldn't like the Starbucks that I go to at Union Station for my train, they are SOOOOO slow it isn't even funny, you can have 2 people in front of you and you will still be in for a wait. And the other day, 2 people in front of me ordered iced coffees and he did theirs and left mine sitting and went on to the next person in line. Really??? And then he got it wrong, how do you get an iced coffee wrong, they are always getting my drinks wrong there. So I think what came out of your mouth could have been a lot worse.

  6. We are all entitled to express ourselves! And if yours is done in a way that is not offensive to others...well then so be it! Goodness knows there are REALLY rude poeple out there that would have dropped something else!!
    BTW congrats on the win over at pink pincushion!!

  7. I'm slow, and sometimes have trouble getting things in the proper order. Why was the customer After you getting thier order filled before your order was done. I don't do starbucks or any coffee houses, so I'm sure I am clueless, but think most people are not as good at multitasking as they think. I use to have to remind my older sister of that when she would call me while watching a movie and reading a book and not stop any of those activities.
    I think your really must be very similar to my friend's Seriously! Often said with different inflection to clearly make her meaning apparent.

  8. seriously?!?

    i am seriously NOT a "really" kinda person ... seriously!

    but i do find myself asking, "did i say that out loud? seriously?!?" a lot ... i think my brain-to-mouth filter must need to be replaced.

    seriously, i get into trouble by saying, "well, of course you are" or "well, of course you do" and "you're welcome" at (apparently) inappropriate times ... and i seriously can't seem to stop myself.


  9. I have to agree with the others that 'really' was really very innocuous...especially since it slipped out without thinking!!!

    But I do agree also that more patience and less aggro is a good policy to have. I find that I'm at my worst if I go shopping after a day of teaching- I expect everyone to behave themselves in the shops and not mess me about and I REALLY have to bit my teacher tongue and pretend I'm an ordinary person with no bad temper!!

    Good manners are everything, always were, should still be...

  10. "Really" popped out of my pie hole yesterday also...while the owner of the print shop was scanning something for me and she took a PHONE CALL and stopped doing my job... and there were 3 other people working there...

    And then I got home and she had done it wrong... and I had to go back and NO "sorry for the trouble"...

  11. My husband has gotten into using the "really" phrase a lot too! It's really easy to use it and get in that habit...but, you'd need the patience of a saint to stand in line for very long at Starbucks, the always seem to be slow.

  12. Loved this post! We have a similar phrase that we came up with when people are all knowing or even when their thoughts do not agree with ours. We say "Really, I didn't know that". Then we could go on with our own thoughts and idea. We even practiced this phrase. Until one night my husband said it to me! I said "Hey! We are not supposed to use it on each other"!

  13. there's always the poplular ( and annoying) "Whatever"


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