Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Good News Post

First, as I know some of you are anxious to hear about Soccer Son's surgery, it went fine. Part of the procedure involved administering adrenaline to evoke an irregular heartbeat so the surgeon could "map" the heart to identify the tissue causing the irregularity and remove it. In all the surgeon's efforts to elicit an irregular heartbeat, he was only successful once, for one beat, so mapping was more difficult. The surgeon is pretty sure he was able to remove the problem tissue, but he's not 100 percent positive. Of course, we're hopeful it worked. Now the toughest part will be to keep Soccer Son resting for 48 hours and then NOT RUNNING AROUND this week. But I gotta tell you that's going to be hard for him. He's a very, very active person. He's spending tonight (Monday) in San Jose, getting a good night's rest after the procedure, but he'll be coming home tomorrow afternoon or evening, and I think it will be even harder for him to do nothing one he's back in his own environment. Next weekend he travels to Santa Cruz with his competitive girls team for a tournament and will need to do most of his coaching sitting on the sidelines with maybe a little bit of standing and minimal pacing back and forth. Luckily his Lovely Wife to Be Someday will be going as well, and we hope she'll be able to keep him reined in.

Next, the winner of the scrap package is Kimland who said, "I have always admired your fabric tastes and would be happy to give your scraps a new home in Iowa. Hope all goes well with soccer son's procedure!" Kim, please send me your mailing address so I can send you some scraps. I have not put the package together yet so there may be a delay of a few days, but I'll get it mailed soon.

Finally, Tuesday morning the Wild Child is flying off to New York to spend two weeks with Manager Man. I don't remember whether I posted about it, but Manager Man graduated from Chico State back in May and promptly moved to New York to pursue his dreams of working in the entertainment industry. The Wild Child--who wants to go into the publishing field when she finishes college--is considering whether it would be feasible to move to New York to finish her schooling and intern at a publishing house. Most of the colleges are closed for summer break now, so she won't have a chance to talk to any counselors, but at least she'll get a general feel for the city. She's such an outdoorsy person, I have a hard time picturing her living in New York city, but I think she's pretty flexible too, so maybe it would be excellent for her.

So, as you may imagine, it feels like we're hopping from one thing to another around here. And still, of course, I'm super busy at work and we have a couple other things going on as well in our lives. I really yearn for a little time to sit back and relax, but I don't think much of that will happen this week. I will, though, say goodnight now and head off to bed and hope for the best. Thanks for stopping by to visit, and thank you especially for your thoughts and prayers for Soccer Son!


  1. Hi Kim -- Yes, we were all waiting to hear that everything went well! Hopefully, the scare of the surgery will help him to relax a bit this week. Florence

  2. I'm glad everything's ok! Relaxing sounds good right about now, one day we'll be able to!

  3. So glad Soccer Son is doing ok, I hope they fixed the problem and he is able to stay quiet for a few days. Good luck to Wild Child, NYC is a unique place to go. Hope things settle down for you soon, Kim!

  4. Do you even have time for a breath these days! Glad to hear all is going well and Soccer Son is being well looked after!

  5. So glad things went well with him. It is always scary when someone goes under the knife. I hope he will let himself heal.

  6. WooHoo! I am thankful and grateful to hear how it all went for you and your family. I know your support and caring as a Mother are appreciated. I will keep him in my prayers. Well Kim, one down and a bizillion to go. You can do it. My love to you.

  7. Glad the surgery went well and I hope he has a great result. I had that procedure in '07, but they weren't able to zap mine because it was too close to a necessary bundle, but my nephew had it done 2 years later and his was 100% successful. He was the first in WI to have a new form of 3D mapping done that enables doctors to pinpoint and ablate where they used to not be able to before. They told him he was a rock star, since he was the first, LOL.

  8. So glad to read his surgery went well! Yes, relaxing is very hard to do for an active person, but hopefully he will do ok. Congrat's to Kimland. And today is only Tuesday!~ I hope the rest of your week is a little more on the 'un'-eventful side. ;-)


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