Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just Some Stuff

Madame Samm is rounding up Ghastlies quilters for a blog hop. If you've caught Ghastlies fever, go visit her and see what it's all about.

While visiting Madame Samm and trying to get in on Ghastlies fun, I ran into a Google/Blogger problem: I can't comment on some blogs when I'm logged in as ME because Blogger tells me I'm not authorized--using my log on--to view the page. I ran into the same problem on another blog I tried to comment on, but I have no problem with most blogs. So far, it seems to be the blogs with embedded comments on the blog post page rather than the type with a separate pop-up comment page. But maybe that's coincidence. Frustrating! I've posted my problem on the Blogger Help Group forum, but I've not had anyone post a solution yet.

I don't know if you'll find this as funny as I do, but I'll tell this little story anyway. Hubby cooks dinner on weeknights and over the last year or two, I've discovered that he really has no interest in cooking. And I think I've mentioned that if he has no direction on what to cook for dinner, we end up having steak. So what I've tried to do in the last several weeks is make out a menu plan, have the ingredients on hand, and assemble the week's recipes for those dishes that require recipes. Tonight Hubby was supposed to cook a simple chicken cordon bleu, broccoli, and rolls. I had the chicken cordon bleu recipe printed out for him (there's a link to the recipe above--one of our favorites), so I was a little taken aback when he called me at work to ask where the recipe was for the broccoli rolls. What a hoot!

I talked to Soccer Son today. His Lovely Wife to be Someday had tipped him off that he HAD to read my blog because it was hilarious. Yeah, uh huh. But, as he pointed out, he's not the one who posted it on my blog. Sheesh!

Here in California, talking on cell phones while driving--unless they're hands free--is against the law, but it seems like everyone does it. And maybe you'll recall that I hate talking on the phone, so I still don't have a cell. And that, of course, allows me to view my fellow travelers with haughty distain as they drive down the road, flaunting the law.

Driving home from work tonight, while stopped at a traffic light, I noticed the older gentleman in the Lexis next to me had his hand up to his face. I was slightly behind him, so I couldn't see clearly, but of course, I assumed he was talking on his cell. About a half mile further on, I was stopped at another light when I noticed the same guy stopped behind me, again with his hand up to his face. There was something odd going on through--I could tell right away that he wasn't talking on his cell, but what was he doing? As I kept glancing back and forth between the rear view mirror and the red light, I finally realized the guy was playing a harmonica and singing. That's a first for me!

I'll leave you with this thought: Rock on, while it's still legal.


  1. I had that same problem with blogger. I heard about two ways to fix. Either use Chrome or don't check the box when you log in that states you are logged in all the time. Unchecking the box worked on my office computer and I noticed that I never had the problem when I used Chrome instead of Explorer so I always use Chrome at home. Don't know if that helps you but worth a shot!

  2. I had the very same problem and Barb helped me with it. When you sign in, uncheck the "keep me signed in" box and this will correct the problem

  3. Kim - I'm having the same problem with blogger comments - it's so frustrating. I saw Suzan's comments but am not sure what box she's speaking of uncheck. So, if you get more info, please report! My hubby cooks during the week too and we have the same things, over and over and over (and over, but I'm not complaining - LOL!) I signed up for the Ghastlies blog hop too!

  4. I have been having the same problem for quite some time. I thought maybe it was just me. Along with the embedded comments I think it as to do with the "word verification."

    Do share with us if you figure it out.

  5. I had the same problem and looked on Blogger help. They said it was a known problem and that for now you have to log out then log back in. When you log in there is a small box under the password box that keeps you logged in. Do NOT check that box. It's kind of a pain to have to log in everytime you want to get on blogger but it makes it possible to leave comments on blogs that don't have a pop-up box for comments.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!

  6. Honestly Kim, I think I know that guy with the harmonica, he was one of my principals ... He plays like no one you have ever heard - pun intended - ;o) Rock on sweetie! PS Sorry about the problems on blogger - I use Chrome and love it.

  7. I've had the same problem posting on blogs and found a bandaid on Bonnie Hunter's blog - if you just sign out, it'll accept your post with your info. It's a PITA, but it works.

  8. huh ... people have complained to me about not being able to leave comments unless they are "anonymous" ... i dunno how my comments became embedded - but i just changed them to pop-up and i'll see how it goes ... we've talked about how important punctuation is - did you forget the comma between broccoli and rolls on the menu?!? ha ha ha!!! come to think of it, if broccoli is good and rolls are good, why wouldn't broccoli rolls be even better? steam the broccoli, add some cheese, roll it all up in bread dough, bake it ... by jove, he might be on to something!

  9. I'm having the same problem - so frustrating!

  10. I had the same problem months ago and unchecking the keep me signed in b ox on the login screen will solve the problem. I personally tried google chrome when I had the initial problem but I miss my favorites bar and other tool bars that help me manage my surferring


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