Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ergo, You Bought Me a Falcon . . .

Have you seen that insurance commercial? Just in case you haven't, the guy finds a way to justify buying a falcon because he used the money he saved on his insurance. I love the commercial, because it's exactly the kind of mental gymnastics I go through to justify my own non-essential splur-chases.

Take today for instance. But first, the background.

When I was in the grocery store last night, I saw this magazine:

Have you seen it? I'm a sucker for holiday mags. After I got home from the store and put my groceries away, I started browsing and found I was captivated by the "decorating with skeletons" section. How cool are these ideas?!

And, of course, there are more in subsequent pages, but you'll have to buy the magazine to see them and find out how they arranged them--you won't be disappointed.

Anyway, after looking at the magazine last night, one thing led to another, and soon I was surfing the internet for skeletons. I finally found the ones I liked best today, and ordered two from the Spirit Halloween store's website.

Yes, the skeletons were a little bit pricey, but here's the thing: Over the past several months, I worked a fair amount of overtime, and the office manager discovered an error in the way one of the categories of overtime pay was calculated. When all is said and done, I should be getting a couple hundred dollars extra on my paycheck tomorrow to fix the error. Cool, huh? I just wonder what Hubby will say when I tell him my office manager bought me two skeletons!


  1. Lol! I can't believe you bought skeletons! As an Aussie, decorating with skeletons is just plain weird to me. (We don't do Halloween here) Have fun with your skeletons!

  2. Love the way you think. DD justifies everything using what she calls "Disney Math".

  3. That just makes me laugh! Hey...who doesn't need some good skeletons??

  4. Guess you can buy anything on the internet these days. Who would have thought? Thanks for sharing. I'm off to see what weird thing I can buy.

  5. Funny! Hey, and if you have any "loose" change, perhaps you can find some of those blow up front yard seasonal decorations with skeletons, eh?!

  6. Can't wait to see what you do with your new tenants.
    And of course I need to check out that magazine!

  7. My schoolteacher husband somehow managed to acquire (most of) a skeleton a few years ago. It sits on a table in the entry way to his room, with a sign reading "This child did not do his homework. Let this be a warning to you." Not truly Halloween-ish, but I've always been amused by it.

  8. Yet another reason for us to be thrifty! So we can buy skeletons!! I love the ones climbing up the porch! This would look great on my run down porch for halloween! Maybe the witch with her cauldren will have to move over this year to make room for skeletons! Have to find the book!

  9. i don't see the problem - after all, you pared your spending down to bare bones


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