Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Still Celebrating

(From left to right: Prickly Pear Margarita, Standard Margarita, and Strawberry Margarita.)

A couple of my office friends and I hit Chevy's for lunch about once a week--we have a thing for the chips and salsa. We don't have margaritas very often, especially not on Mondays, but hey! It was (close enough to) my birthday!

For my birthday, my friends gave me a basket filled with chips-and-salsa themed goodies including a Chevy's gift card. I'm thinkin' "Margarita Mondays" might be a new thing, just like chips and salsa.

Party on, Wayne. Party on, Garth. Party on, Sancho.


  1. Sounds like a fun tradition to start. :)

  2. Now that's the way to celebrate your 21st birthday....

  3. Now that makes Monday tolerable !!!

  4. If I lived in California, I would definitely join you! Happy Birthday!

  5. Oh, you knot-y girl! Why not though you only turn 21 once!


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