Monday, July 25, 2011

A Really Good Weekend

We went to see the Q-Balls perform tonight and one of my friends from work asked what I'd done yesterday (Saturday). I think I said something like, "Uh, I'm not sure." Thinking over the weekend, I realize I've been busy all weekend but it hasn't been what I expected at all!

At the beginning of the weekend, I thought I was going to have a lot of time to sew, but it just didn't happen. I think I probably spent a cumulative total of about two hours in the Sweat Shop all weekend! So what did I do?

Well, Saturday was my birthday, so I figured I'd do whatever I wanted, and that started with sleeping in followed by running a couple errands. First I went to JoAnn's for some zippers and bought myself a couple little things--just because. Then I went to Starbucks and had a free birthday drink--a Venti Java Chip Frappucino that I enjoyed while reading a book--it was a nice break from running errands in the summer heat. Then I went on to Trader Joe's to pick up a few things for our Sunday concert/picnic in the park, and on the way back home, I stopped at Pollo Loco for a grilled chicken to add to the picnic menu. Once I got home, I made a couple salads for Sunday. Heck, I'd barely finished that before it was time to leave again to go to dinner and then watch my son's final regular season indoor soccer game--where he made a bicycle kick goal for ME! Yay! And they won! Double-yay!

Back home again, it was time for birthday cake with Hubby and the Wild Child and opening gifts from my far-away friends whose gifts had arrived by mail last week.

And today? Again, I started the day being rather lazy. Then I made the last salad and prepped the rest of the food for our picnic. Gran called after church and came over with a gift, and we had a nice visit for a couple hours before it was time to get ready to leave for the concert.

We had an excellent time! There were friends from the office, stitchery friends, family, and just plain friend-friends, all gathered to watch, listen, and dance. The weather was lovely--we were shaded by large trees with a nice, steady breeze. The music couldn't have been better (except for a couple early glitches in the sound system), and our picnic was fabulous. My stitchery friends thought I was genius to invite different groups of people to the concert and then go around collecting gifts from everyone. And yep, I thought that was pretty awesome too! After the concert, our family and close friends went to a local ice cream parlor to round out the birthday celebrations, where the obligatory birthday song was performed and I managed to blow out the candle without lighting my eyebrows on fire. (I guess I'm not QUITE old enough yet to have grown Andy Rooney eyebrows!)

When we got home, I found Soccer Son had brought over the beginnings of my birthday gift--a vintage/antique wrought iron chair that he plans to sand down, repair, and repaint for me. I'd like to get a photo of it to show you, but he had placed it on our front patio, and by the time we got home, it was dark and I didn't think the photo would turn out as well. But I'll try to post a photo soon.

And did I mention? The Wild Child was in charge of the birthday cake and she picked out a luscious chocolate mousse cake at my favorite bakery on Friday. She then had to keep it refrigerated at her work and had to do the same thing when she took it with her to Soccer Son's house after work. And the cake survived in fine shape too!

And just so you know he's not a slacker, I should tell you that Hubby bought me several fat quarter bundles (they were bundled by color groupings) of Annie's Farm Stand fabric by Lakehouse. (He didn't know he was buying the fabric for me at the time, but I complimented him for having such excellent taste after I ordered it.)

I'm a very lucky gal to have such fine family and friends, aren't I? They sure made my weekend terrific!


  1. Belated Happy Birthday to you, sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I love the Annie's Farm stand fabric too.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! Your weekend sounded hectic but a lot fun!

  3. Happy Birthday! It sounds just perfect...congrats to hubby and his good taste in gifts.....piece.

  4. Happy Birthday - sounds like you had a great weekend!

  5. Annie's Farm Stand. I want that fabric collection myself. I think I may treat myself soon since my birthday isn't until October and I'm holding out for Ruby from my husband. LOL! Happy Birthday Kim! Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday weekend.

  6. Wow that was a great weekend! Happy Birthday Kim...your husband has excellent taste in fabric! ;-)

  7. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. And what the heck is a chocolate moouse cake. It sounds amazing!

  8. Happy birthday! It's a day you share with my son. I'm sure you're only a *few* years older than he is. . . he turned 22 on Saturday!

  9. Happy belated birthday. I am glad you had a good one.

  10. Happy belated birthday. July is the month for many birthdays in my family. Sounds like you celebrated your's nicely. thanks for sharing.

  11. Well, bully for you!! That sounds like a totally fun whirlwind of a weekend! No wonder you had a hard time remember what you'd done...I would have needed to write it all down!

    Happy Belated B-Day!!

  12. Happy Happy Birthday Kim! I'm so happy that you had such a happy weekend. Best wishes!!

  13. It sounds like a fabulous birthday- I hope that your upcoming year is filled with more wonderful adventures and times with family and friends.
    With belated Happy Birthday and Best wishes.

  14. Happy Birthday Kim!!!! I'm glad you had such a wonderful weekend. You made me tired just reading about it! LOL!

  15. Happy birthday! I won't say belated because I believe you get to celebrate your birthday the week before and the week after!

  16. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like it was a good one. Love the way your hubby shops! :)

    Sandy A

  17. Imelda and I were so impressed with that chicken! We thought you made it, slaving away in the kitchen. Totally put our little sandwiches to shame.......


  18. Happy Bithday, a little late , but sincere. Sounds like you had a fabulous day and you deserved it!!!!!!!

  19. That sounds like a recipe for a perfect birthday weekend--family, friends, shopping, food, and presents! Glad it was happy :)


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