Monday, July 4, 2011

Just Peachy!

Sunday was filled with domestic activity. I sure am glad we have an "extra" day off this weekend, because it's gone by waaaay too fast with not enough play time so far!

Our cool spring has turned into a raging hot summer with temperatures up above 100 degrees. I set my alarm this morning to wake up reasonably early so I could run errands and get back home before it got too hot--the weather forecast called for temperatures nearing 90 degrees by 11 a.m. I was lucky enough to find a parking spot in the shade at Trader Joe's. Have you tried Trader Joe's vanilla ice cream? Oh YUM! But keeping the car as cool as possible gives me a much better chance of getting it home before it's melted!

What could be more summery than homemade peach jam? Trader Joe's also has small boxes of peaches, and whatever gets a little too soft for eating makes perfect jam. And that's what I did today once I got the groceries home and put away.

This jam was made with the peaches I bought a week or so ago; I bought another box today and much of this one may well be destined for a pie, I suspect.

After making jam, I quilted a little bit and then I cleaned house, cooked dinner, and quilted some more. And then cleaned house some more--I wanted to do a pretty thorough job of getting the dust out of all the nooks and crannies.

Now the chores are done, a cool bath awaits, and I'm dreaming of homemade peach jam on biscuits for our 4th of July breakfast. I hope you have a wonderful holiday planned!


  1. Happy July 4th Kim! Such a pretty peach picture. :-) I wish we had Trader Joe's around here!! We do have Wegman's though, which is an amazing Northeast grocery store. Anyway enjoy that delicious breakfast!!

  2. Peach pie! I can smell the goodness!

  3. You have peaches already???? I'm hoping to get some canned and made into jam in August.

    It all looks so yummy!!

  4. We just love to go to Trader Joe's! I always come home with incredible fresh flowers, kettle corn and peanut butter cups. Did I hit all the food groups? LOL!

    Happy Fourth!

  5. the Ghastlies quilt is so very doggone cool!!! and those peaches look good enough to - well - good enough to eat, i guess ... and now i gotta go finish watching Independence Day (in keeping with tradition)...

    p.s. - we made strawberry jam a couple of weeks ago - i needed one of those tong doohickies, cuz i burned my hand and it still isn't talking to me

  6. PEACH JAM?????

    Remember how I LOVE peach jam!!

  7. I bought the same peaches for the BOX!! Wasn't that the cutest? I am going to store fat quarters in it! I am not a fan of peaches-I took them to work and shared with the office.


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