Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Better Late Than Never

So did I find time to "play" on the 4th of July? I guess the answer to that question depends on the definition of "play," and even I'm not sure at this point. What I ended up spending a good chunk of the day doing is decorating for summer. Yep, red, white, and blue. Normally I would have decorated the house for summer around the end of May but it sure seemed like more work than I wanted to do at that time, so I put it off, and kept putting it off until today.

I hung last year's cherries quilt in the hallway. Remember this one? I like it hanging there--it brightens up the hallway considerably.

Besides the decorating, I cooked our holiday meal. BBQ spare ribs, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, and garlic bread. Yum! (I think we're going to have to load up on the green veggies the rest of the week because they sure were lacking in tonight's dinner.)

Oh, and I can't forget the lemon meringue pie--although the flash from the camera made the meringue look like it's radioactive!

Whenever I needed a little rest during the day, I did a little quilting. And a little reading. And now? Now I think it's time to go cut that pie! I bet I worked off the calories already. Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love how you decorate for the holidays and seasons. Your cherry quilt is so pretty.

  2. Thank you for admitting that you hadn't decorated for summer yet! I am behind on that front also, and needed to know that I'm not alone. :) Love the quilts, and would love to have helped with that pie!! :)

  3. I love to decorate seasonally! Your red white and blue things are lovely. Now if I only know which box my red white and blue quilts were in...

  4. Well, let me say that I just loved your post and that you are following your "free" spirit and decorating when you get to it. Life's a nap and then there is reading too, well and the food is to die for (pun intended), that reminds me I need to get a book read a little and then take a nap ... Hugs


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