Monday, June 20, 2011

Like Cats Much?

I hope you and your family enjoyed Father's Day. Here at our house, we enjoyed a wonderful but long and drawn out dinner followed by a game of Rummy 500, all out on the patio. Early in the day, the Wild Child played for us a YouTube video that purports to be an eHarmony bio by a young lady who loves cats. Have you seen it? I'm doubtful about the whole eHarmony premise, but it's rather entertaining. If you haven't seen it, you probably should:

We later played the video for Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife to be Someday while we played cards. After that, we couldn't help but move on to the Double Rainbow nut case video. Isn't YouTube entertaining?

Before and after our Father's Day celebrations, I spent a little time in the Sweat Shop working on a new project using the Ghastlies line of Halloween fabric. Alexander Henry released the line a year or two ago, but they re-released it this year with a couple more prints added. You can check it out by clicking HERE. As soon as I can get a "new" computer and upload photos, I want to show you what I'm doing. In the meantime, it's back to work again for me tomorrow--but maybe I'll find the office is ready to give us our old computers. It sure will be nice to blog with photos again!

I guess I'd better get to bed--I suspect it will be hard to get up in the morning after being off for a week. I'm glad you stopped by for a visit!


  1. Yes, I've seen the video. Hilarious!!

  2. but....does she like cats? She is crazy and a wonderful actress... ha ha

  3. I think I just died laughing. Thanks for a funny start to the week!

  4. oooookay ... i guess she loves cats, huh?

    anywho - i cut into MY ghastlies, too - and i really do have a plan, but i dunno when it will come together ... actually, i have TWO plans and there might be enough for
    BOTH of them cuz i love the ghastlies and when i think about them i just want to hold them and give all of them a home but even thinking about giving all of them a home is just crazy but i just really, really love the ghastlies and i just love to look at them and...

  5. Well, she better hold out for another cat lover huh? What a hoot!

  6. See what you started now - can't keep Dianne from doing a "copy cat" scene ... I am just as "bad" as my mind is writing the script for her sequel - Diannes or is that Dianne's - just askin ...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!