Sunday, June 19, 2011

Did You Spell Check That Tat?

I was driving around town today and at one point, while stopped at a red light, I glanced over at the car next to me. I couldn't see the driver very well, but I noticed his arm, which was resting along the edge of the open window, sported a lovely, sentimental, dark black tattoo: "Forever your's."

Wouldn't it be funny if his gal has a tattoo that reads, "Forever hi's"?

People are dumb.


  1. You goof - sure glad I was on your list of places to stop today!!! Your suntan looks good!

  2. I'm beginning to believe that's the most common mistake made nowadays. I wished I had a camera yesterday to photo the back of a very expensive delivery van. Every plural word that ended in "s" had an apostrophe before it!

  3. Kim, my whole arm is covered in a piece of music, and let me tell you I was VERY on top of my Tattoo artist as he was working on it! And heck most people wouldn't even know if it was wrong...but I would!!

  4. It's the legal secretary in us Kim, we can't turn it off. I am always proofreading everything. I have seen typos in commercials and news shows on TV, and I have seen many typos in magazines. You'd think they'd have people checking that stuff more carefully. I'd hate to get a tat and have them spell something wrong!

  5. OMG, what a doofus and that's on there for life. I see spelling and punctuation errors alll the time. What are people thinking. There's an auto shop on a main highway here that says "Break Service" What??? They break your car? LOL

  6. The difficulty some folks have with plurals is mind boggling to me. But I spell for a living (transcriptionist) and words have always been my thing! English is a complicated language for non-native speakers, and even native ones:) I do still have occasional trouble with its/it's myself!

  7. Some people should have paid more attention in English class!


  8. Having taught 4th grade English, I can tell you that the confusion between plurals, possessives, plural possessives and pronouns is really mind-boggling. But there are tons of 'typos', even in comments made on tv. How about comments like, "The prosecution alleged that she killed her baby in court today.", when clearly, what the news anchor meant to say was, "Today in court, the prosecutor alleged that she killed her baby."

  9. my husband famous saying...

    When you are stupid your whole body suffers...

    Never more true...


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