Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday!

We celebrated Hubby's birthday tonight--Soccer Son, His Lovely Wife to be Someday, the Wild Child, and I took Hubby out to a really good Mexican restaurant for dinner. A full tummy and one margarita later, and all I wanted to do was go to sleep! But I'll tell you about the birthday festivities first.

Last night, Hubby ruined his birthday surprise when he unexpectedly "helped" me unpack groceries and asked, "Where do you want me to put the potato chips and Cracker Jacks?" You see, I had this wonderful idea that the best gift I could give him was to remind him of his childhood and the days before caramel popcorn and nuts got stuck in his bridge work. ARGH!

So, during my lunch hour today, I went to the 99 Cent Only store for a nice replacement gift, but I didn't find anything (except some sunglasses and reading glasses for me and some cheap convenience foods for the Wild Child--for some odd reason, she really LIKES Top Ramen and Hamburger Helper!) On the way back to work, I stopped at the drive thru and picked up a guacamole burger. Back at my desk, I took one bite and despite the fact that the bottom of the burger was well covered with paper, a seemingly gigantic glop of guacamole oozed out the side and landed on my pant leg. And then rolled off and onto my shoe with an audible SPLAT. As I was cleaning that mess up and thinking how much I DIDN'T feel anything like the hot chick in the burger commercials who drips catsup on her, I felt wet guacamole on my cheek. And hair. And then my arm brushed against my side and . . . guacamole!

Good thing we were going out for Mexican food for Hubby's birthday dinner. I fit right in.

Hubby enjoyed the store-bought-frozen-and-defrosted coconut cake we gave him. And we sang the "happy birthday song" so incredibly off key and off tempo, that as the candles were burning down to nubs, we had to try a second time. Luckily that gave me the time I needed to get the Cracker Jacks out of the cupboard and tied with a nice, blue birthday ribbon. Nothing but the best for my sweetie!

The party's over and it's time for me to go take a bath and wash all this guacamole off. Glad you could stop by!


  1. That is a funny birthday story Kim! I am sure it was the best birthday ever for your honey. Especially because Cracker jacks has a present inside each box!I can just see you as a new commercial ad campaign for Carl's Jr. Certainly no pictures are necessary for this post... the visuals are loud and clear.LOL

  2. Always...without doubt I can stop in at your blog and get a chuckle! Love it!! There is alot to be said for Cracker Jacks...the prize is all worth it right? WRONG!!! It is th peanuts at the bottom. LOL

  3. June 30 is my DH's b-day too!! And we also ate Mexican food, but I cooked. :( We had sour cream and chicken enchiladas, refried beans and rice, for dessert I made him his favorite coconut cream pie. Had his parents and our youngest son to eat and celebrate with us.


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