Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another Ghastlies Update and a Laugh Link

So I've been working on the Ghastlies quilt top (after pinning the OTHER quilt I changed the border on) and I've realised the Ghastlies is going to be really LARGE--like 7 feet large. Why? Because I love, love, love the border print and I've discovered it needs to be cut so the borders are almost 12" in order to get the entire "scene." Bummer, eh?

What does this mean for you? Well, if you want to make the same quilt, prepare for its largeness--it will be nice on a bed. Seriously. Otherwise, consider using a different fabric for a smaller border. And if you've already bought the border fabric but still don't want a quilt that large? Well, it would look really awesome in a second, companion piece, like a runner or a row-type wall hanging (i.e, a row of the border print, alternating with pieced blocks, like stars, etc.).

What does this mean for me? I think I'm going to soldier on with a large quilt because I DO like it. I think if I wasn't, though, I'd use that black with white polka dot print to make a 6" border all around. Think about it.

Yesterday my sister-in-law sent me a link to a post on the Bloggess's blog because when she read it, it reminded her of me. Yes, I would SO do exactly what Jenny, the blogger, did. Except with Hubby, it would be plates/dishes unlike Victor and his towel issues. If this isn't sounding familiar--and the thing has gone viral so you may well have read it already, but if not--read it HERE. Priceless.


  1. It is 6:30 a.m. and I have been laughing so much reading the Bloggess's blog. The picture of that chicken at the front door was priceless. Thanks so sharing.

  2. OMGosh, thanks for the laugh! I am dying, just picturing Victor's face! Have a great day!

  3. I can't wait to see how you finish The Ghastlies quilt. I ordered a lot of the line since I missed out on it last time but have to wait to sew it because I'm recovering from shoulder surgery. I didn't know the focus print came in green and can't imagine borders from it so will be looking forward to your finished top and pattern.

  4. Thanks for the laugh this morning, you're not kidding that was priceless! I would love to have one of those chickens for my yard!

  5. Thank you for the link to the "chicken" story, it was a great laugh to start out my morning. At this point I would imagine Victor wished he would have kept his mouth shut and had new towels, but I just love the "Beyonce".

  6. Awesome, awesome story! Thanks for passing along!

  7. OH MY GOD, I am laughing so hard the tears are rolling. I can so see my daughter doing this to her husband & his reaction. I have of course sent it on to her, my son & several friends. Too, too funny.
    Can't wait to see the finished quilt.
    Have a great 4th, looks like we are headed to triple digets, nice after the all day rain yesterday.

  8. LOVE it! I'm forwarding to my DH with a "this is what can happen if you're not careful" note!

  9. OMG I can't stop laughing! That was hilarious! I want to BE that girl! Thank you so much for sharing, you just made my day! Now... where can I get me a giant chicken...

  10. Your Ghastlees quilt begins to sound like that quote about Topsie and how she growed, but I can't remember where its from. Some fabric just can't be cut small, and that's all there is to it!

    That chicken story is ace! I have a 2 foot tall metal frog playing a double bass by my front door but really its positively tame compared to the chicken!!!

  11. Should have let her get the towels!! HAAAAA


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