Saturday, June 11, 2011


Five words you don't want to hear: "You need a new compressor."

Four words you DO want to hear: "It's still under warranty."

Seven words that make you want to cry: "The parts won't be here until Monday."

Yes, that's right, our air conditioning is out. It's been unusually cool here in Sacramento all spring, but we've finally hit temps over 80 degrees (which is still pretty mild for us in mid-June), and what happened? I got home from work Thursday night to find Hubby with all the doors and windows open and the temperature in the house, according to the thermostat, 79 degrees. See, Hubby LIKES heat. Hubby doesn't have hot flashes. Hubby doesn't have to BIND A KING SIZE QUILT. So he's just fine.

Me? Not so much. I NEED air conditioning and cooler temperatures. So I closed up the house, turned on the air conditioner, took as many clothes off as I decently could, and laid down on the bed, arms and legs spread out so nothin's touching nothin. And an hour later, when it still felt hot, I looked at the thermostat and it was 78 degrees. And I knew something was wrong. As they say, no flies on me! (Although by Sunday, there probably WILL be--literally)

So you know the rest. On Monday, we leave for nice, cool, coastal beach temperatures; until then, I'll be whining for all I'm worth. And startling my family with my new-found nudist lifestyle.


  1. I feel your pain:) I am very allergic to sweating and temps above 70* are just not my friend. I do hope you are able to find a bit of relief from the heat this weekend!!!

  2. Oh my, what a picture you've painted there! I'm with you on the temps! Much past 68 and I'm toast!


  3. Bleech! I hate when that happens! A nudist lifestyle and a spray bottle filled with water seem to be your only solution to this problem!

  4. The nudist lifestyle sounds like a plan to me,
    at least until Monday. Enjoy your

  5. Be thankful that you're not in the 100* Temps of Texas. And yes, it's been 100* every day for several days now. And yes, Dan and I survived 3 days years ago one summer w/o AC. It was NOT Fun. You have my sympathies.

  6. You hot mama you!! I don't like the heat either...more reason to look forward to that vacation, right?? enjoy!!

  7. Thankfully, it's supposed to be cooler here today! Then you can run off tomorrow for your vacation and have a wonderful time.

  8. Its still pretty cool down here in So Cal too....matter of fact, we havent had a warm days in forever!!! SEND SOME OF THAT HEAT DOWN HERE PLEASE:)

  9. Oh, how I would love 79 degrees here in cool cloudy Seattle!

  10. hiyall,
    funny as hell post! its been heat index of 100 or more here in southeast Va. "And startling my family with my new-found nudist lifestyle." that will definely get your adult children to move out of the house if you have any still at home! (mauh) Liz

  11. You are such a hoot! We live in the hotter than hot south and keep our thermostat at 78 with the air conditioning on! If not, our elec bill would limit the amount of fabric I could buy!! One quilter/blogger in Atlanta was without electricity for nearly a month recently (temps in 90s all that time) due to faulty wiring at a vacant house next door that fried their circuits. I think she is a saint!


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