Friday, June 3, 2011

I Lied

After telling you I was going to go to bed early and read last night, what did I do instead? Really, I could have just kicked myself at having wasted my time! I stayed right here on the computer, looking at vacation "stuff"!

I'm taking a week off work in a couple weeks, and originally I just planned to relax around the house and do a little quilting. After all, the last "vacation" I took was spent re-doing the bathroom--remember? I started thinking, though, that maybe it wasn't very fair to Hubby, who IS HOME ALL THE TIME. Maybe he deserved a little vacation too. So I thought I'd compromise and tell Hubby I'd love to go away to the beach for about four days, as long as he'd make the arrangements and we could stay within a reasonable budget.

So here it is, a couple weeks later, and Hubby hasn't found anything reasonable. You'd think with the economy in the shape it is, hotels and motels might have better rates, but it seems everything has gone up. And up.

But I thought if I looked, maybe I'd find something he'd missed. (Because really, just between you and me, he's not all that experienced at surfing the web yet.)

Anyway, after spending a couple hours on the internet, mostly on the Trip Advisor site, I didn't find much either. At this point, I think maybe we should either just bite the bullet and pay an outrageous amount of money to go away to the beach for a few days, or we should postpone our vacation until late September, when I'll probably be off work again--which will give us more time to plan and rates might be a little lower.

ARGH! I think I'm just going to go to bed and read. Thanks, by the way, for telling me what you're reading. I've checked out some of your books and ordered a couple. Now I'll have something to read on vacation--whether I spend it here at home, or manage to get away some place!


  1. Hope you'll have some fun and productive time during your planned vacation. Just relax and enjoy it the best way you can. :)

  2. I heard on the news the other day that beach holidays were back in full swing as they had been a few years ago. Sure could use a friend with a condo!! LOL Have you tried VRBO to help find a great deal? You never know.

  3. I joined Snique Away a few months back and they have some pretty good deals sometimes. It is a free join. Hope you find something.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!