Saturday, June 4, 2011

Found It!

After I wrote last night, I decided to try looking for a vacation spot one last time, and I got lucky and found the perfect thing! Unfortunately, by THAT time, Hubby was sound asleep, so I had to wait for him to wake up this morning to discuss it. And he liked it too. Of course, what's not to like?

One of the challenges in going away on vacation is the fact that Hubby's in a wheelchair--and I'm not. Sometimes the things I'd like to do are things he just CAN'T do--like walk on the beach. That's why I liked this place. See that board walk there in the photo above? It looks perfect for a wheelchair, so he can sit and enjoy the view, and I can go down on the sand and take a walk.

This is what our room will look like--or close to it. A king bed with a balcony overlooking the ocean. And see that small table there near the sliding door? I'm definitely bringing my sewing stuff, so I can sit and sew in the evenings while Hubby watches TV. When we last went away, that was the only time I found I was kind of bored with not enough to do. And it's always hard for me to settle down with a book while Hubby's watching TV, so I think this will work nicely!

The room we booked is one of those on the second floor. I wonder which one it is? They have continental breakfasts and mini fridges in each room, so we can hang out on our balcony, enjoying breakfasts and lunches if we aren't out sightseeing. Four night and five days of sand and sea.

The cost was a little higher than we had budgeted, but not by too much. And we think it will be worth it.

I'm writing this on Friday afternoon; we'll be leaving for the Wedding of the Century in a couple hours. Here we are, into the month of June, and rain is expected this afternoon and evening. I'm sorry that the weather isn't nicer for this wedding, but I know it will be a happy occasion anyway. I hope this crazy weather clears up by the time we head to the beach in a couple weeks. Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Looks like a perfect spot for vacation. Have
    a good time at the wedding.

  2. Kim, I know EXACTLY where that's at!!! It's our MUST FAVORITE place in the world!Stayed there often. (Especially off season).Your going to love the place!!
    Unfortunately, we've moved thousands of miles East so it's out of the question now.I miss the small beach town, and they have a great clam chowder bowl at Brad's.
    What I wouldn't give to be able to walk the beach and smell the ocean air.
    I'll be thinking about you with envy. Hugs, Karen

  3. Looks very nice! Last fall Mr and I and his parents rented a beach house off season (mid Sept.) in North Carolina. We also invited his nephew and family (wife, 7 yearold and 5 yo triplets!) It was really a blast! and cost about the same as a hotel would have.
    Mom did the research, the hard part as you have noted, and we just helped pay for it. For several years she has rented by checking a listing service called VRBO, Vacation Rentals By Owner on line. Since its hurricane season we just make sure there is a good storm clause in the contract! We plan on going again this year too.
    Enjoy your vacation. It does look lovely!

  4. Looks like a wonderful place to relax for a few days! Enjoy the wedding and have a great time on vacation... whenever it is you go.

  5. Kim, it looks perfect and so nice that you will have your sewing stuff with you. Can I ask where it is?

  6. Looks wonderful. Can't wait to here all about your wonderful vacation.

  7. Oh, Kim, this looks idyllic! I'm so glad you found it.

  8. I'm so glad you found the perfect spot to go to. It looks wonderful. My hubs had a stroke a few years back and although he is not in a wheelchair, he has his limitations with walking. His left side is affected and needs a cane and can't walk distances, so I know how hard it is to find somewhere you can both enjoy easily. Have a great time.

  9. Where is this? I would love to visit/vacation there sometime!!! Is it in California...what part?

  10. This looks fantastic! I, too, would like to know where this is. I promise to go after you so it won't be too crowded...

  11. Looks like a wonderful vacation spot!Have a great time there. I also would like to know where this place is. Love, love, love the beach. Judy

  12. Looks great! I'd love to know where it is as well ... Please share!

  13. Oohh! Looks like the perfect place to go. Wish I lived out where you do. Nothing like that in the middle of the Midwest. Have a wonderful time!

  14. Beautiful vacation spot! I hope you and your husband have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear about the wedding!

  15. Sounds like heaven!! Can I go, too? I'll be quiet...

  16. Looks like a FANTASTIC vacation spot! I too would like to know where it is. I need a vacation. I can't wait to hear about it.

  17. This place looks like a slice of heaven. Could you please tell us the name of the hotel and where it is located? Am always looking for new places to explore. Thanks for sharing.

  18. They have sand wheelchairs - I've seen them at the Harbor in Santa Cruz. Check with your hotel, I'm sure the nicer ones have them available to their guests. Or maybe it was just a Santa Cruz thing...but worth checking out.

  19. I was also going to recommend Brad's in Pismo for the best Prime Beef BBQ sandwiches!! YUMMMMM! They are very reasonable, too.


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