Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Glad to Hear . . .

you're not bored yet! Give it time. One of the boring things is that I'm not going to be able to upload my photos to show you what I'm up to.

But I do have stuff you can watch. Last Saturday night, Soccer Son told Hubby and I that he was going to be on a local Sunday morning "news" show, Good Day Sacramento. Of course, I got up to watch--Moms are expected to do that kind of thing, aren't they? Dads, though (and sisters!) tend to value sleep over watching family members on TV.

Through the magic of technology, it's possible to both SLEEP in and WATCH. Or watch several days later from afar. Here's the video in case you're interested (click on the "full screen" icon so you can actually SEE it):

The guy in the soccer clothes who's doing all the talking--that's Soccer Son. He's the coach, trainer, chief cook, and bottle washer of the team. The promo is in recognition of the fact that the Scorpions indoor soccer team has their opening game this next Saturday. I was lucky enough to win a ticket as a result of a lucky guess on their Facebook "guess the next soccer game score" contest during pre-season play, but I'm going to be off on a little quilt shop hop with my stitchery gals, so Hubby will get the benefit of my win.

Good thing watching the game won't interfere with Hubby's sleep, don't you think?!


  1. Who cares about soccer- he's a doll.

  2. it's too bad he's taken cuz i know an unattached, absolutely lovely young woman with a brilliant personality who LOVES watching soccer ... oh well

    p.s. - word ver is shotmigo - i think that MIGHT be a friend for shot-sharing ... or maybe a friend who shoots?

  3. You must be so proud of him! He is a very handsome, talented, and well spoken young man!! And what a lucky guy to get to do something that he loves!!

  4. What a guy! I am kind of glad your camera is not working (or whatever it is that is not working now ...) so that you came up with the video. I would be darn proud of him too! By the way, what is a "slushie" is that something that they serve at the Kilt Pub? I thought it was a pub?

  5. You must be one proud Mama! Thank you for sharing. Have fun at your quilt shop hop. I will be doing the huge one here in So Cal the two weekends after this one. I have done it for the last 7 years and my girls (8 and 4) love to go. All the women in the shops think they are adorable and give them all sorts of goodies! Of course I think so too but I am a bit biased!


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