Thursday, June 9, 2011

All Work, and Not Nearly Enough Play . . .

means I don't have much to write about. My monthly Thimbleberries Club meeting was this evening, and I think everyone was just as shocked as I was that I had nothing to show! Yes, I'm still plugging along on quilting the Thimbleberries basket applique quilt. I thought I might get it done by tonight, but as I was debating with myself the up side of giving up a couple hours sleep last night to finish the binding, I realized I still hadn't gone back and quilted the pieced floral border. ARGH! So I went to bed.

After Thimbleberries Club tonight, I came back to work. Too much work, right? But tomorrow night our computer network is going down for maintenance, and I'll lose about an hour of work; then there's Friday, and I didn't want to stay half the night getting things done before I left for vacation. So here I am. Literally, here I am: at work!

But it's almost time to leave. Enough is enough!

Hey, but you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking that if the computers are going down tomorrow night at 5 p.m., it might be a really good opportunity to head over to the new quilt shop, the Fabric Garden! I've told Gran that I thought I would make a shop sample for them while I'm on vacation, and I think I need a piece or two of fabric. Because, really, who doesn't?

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping to get up to the Fabric Garden on Saturday! I have a medical procedure on Friday so hopefully I'll feel up to going. I hope you and your hubs have the best vacation. I can't wait to see the pictures!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!