Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers' Day!

The other day, I overheard someone wishing a coworker of mine a happy Mother's Day. At least that's what I think I heard--they weren't speaking nearby, I couldn't see them, and I may have mixed up the conversation. The friend who I think was wished a happy day has never had children and just lost her own mother, so it will more likely be a melancholy Mother's Day for her.

Thinking about my friend made me pause for a minute before wishing all of you a Happy Mothers' Day. I hope it truly IS a happy day for you whether you are a mother, are celebrating with your mother, or are simply taking a few minutes to think about your mother or whoever held that role in your life.

My relationship with my mother has always been strained, and in recent years, it's been nearly non-existant. It hit me like an electric shock today to realize I hadn't even thought to send her a card! Thank goodness my relationship with my children is far warmer and loving than the relationship I've had with my mom. It has, I think, taught me that we need to cultivate our relationships and express our appreciation to the people in our lives as often as we can.

Whatever your situation in life, take time today to reflect upon the people who have nurtured you and who you have nurtured thoughout your life and congratulate yourself--you deserve it! Have a Happy Mother's Day.


  1. Beautifully stated. I will spend time today appreciating the special people in my life. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Nicely put. Happy Mother's Day to you.
    Mother's Day was first celebrated in my home town, Grafton WV. Seems strange it didn't seem to be an important fact when I was a kid. Not just to me, but to much of anyone.
    Blessings :o)

  3. Thanks for a very thoughtful post. I've never been a mother, and I lost my mom over three years ago. I shall be remembering her today.

  4. Happy Mother's Day to All. Your post today hit home with me as I have all ready had 2 of my 3 children TEXT me and wish me a Happy Day, am waiting for the 3rd one as I know she will also text me. Guess what is bothering me so bad is 2 of them live under a mile from us, but it would be nice to hear their voice.

    I will be calling my mother today, 0n the land line, and let her know I love her even tho we are not real close.

    Thanks for letting me vent!!

  5. Nice post!
    Enjoy your day!!

  6. Happy Mother's Day to you too!
    And thank you for thinking of those who may have a hard time today.
    I lost a son 6 years ago and it's always hard for me, even with my daughter still here.
    And like you I have a strained relationship with my own mother.

  7. I lost my own Mom over 30 years ago. There were times when our relationship was strained but I still miss her a lot.
    Wishing a wonderful day to all of your readers. Whether they are a daughter, a Mom, Grandmother, sister, niece or friend. Have a happy day! And give a Mom somewhere a hug.

  8. Thank you for your post. It actually brought a few tears, why I don't know. Just makes me think that I can always be a little more appreciative of my three boys and let them how much they are loved. Thanks! Enjoy your wonderful day!

  9. I woke up a little depressed this morning and could not pin point what it was. I have 2 grown children and 3 stepdaughters. My daughter sent me flowers yesterday which totally suprised me and my son called me. One of my stepdaughters posted a sweet message to me on FB and I never heard at all from my other two stepdaughters. I lost my Mom over 20 years ago and still miss her a lot though our relationship was not the best either. Guess what I am trying to say is that I think I just miss when my children were young and made me homemade cards and paperweights. Hope you had a good day Kim.

  10. Nice post! - Love you and thanks for being my dear friend.

  11. I agree life is so short and tomorrow they are gone. I had a stepmother who was more like a Mother than my bio MoM. I was her only child. she was always so kind to me and loving. My mother was so different . I was blessed to have 4 parents and I cherish those moments they were so special .Thanks for helping us all remember what matters


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