Monday, May 9, 2011

The Best Mother's Day Gifts

My family--Hubby, Soccer Son, his Lovely Wife to be Someday, and the Wild Child--gathered today to celebrate Mother's Day, and it was delightful! We put the Wild Child's bartending skills to the test, and she came up with a refreshing concoction that tasted much like a raspberry Mojito. Soccer Son did all the cooking--he served avocado halves stuffed with shrimp and mango, an asparagus/garlic/corn/tomato medley, and grilled chicken breasts. Yum! After the meal, inspiration struck Hubby, and he left to make a run to Marie Callenders for a chocolate cream pie while we brewed a fresh pot of coffee. Boy was I spoiled!

But do you know what the best gifts were? The Wild Child set the table and turned the square plates on point. A little bit later, Soccer Son's Lovely Wife to be Someday came out of the bathroom and commented that she can see why Soccer Son rolls their towels--because all of my towels are rolled and placed on the shelf or in baskets in the bathroom. These are simple little things, I know, but it tickles me to death to know that my kids have picked up something from me somewhere along the way. And the funny thing is that these weren't even lessons I tried to teach them. But I guess they were paying attention after all.

Yes, sometimes life's simple little "gifts" are the best.


  1. It is amazing to see our "little ones" morph into wonderful, talented adults. Lucky you, lucky me!!

  2. Sounds like a yummy and wonder filled day! Lucky you :o)
    My favorite gift was when my son called from TX...1400miles or so...and at no specific time in the conversation he told me he missed having me around. Not to dis the chocolate MR gave me.

  3. Kim it sounds as if you are truely blessed!! Glad to hear it was a splendid day! Doesn't it just do your heart great when your children can still amaze and surprise you!!

  4. Love those little things that the kids pick up. It makes enduring those teenage years worthwhile... Would you mind posting a picture of the rolled towels?


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