Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Remember a couple months ago we all talked about the dumbing down of quilting? And remember that somewhere along the way, there was discussion about blogging the "process" and not just the results? Well, I have another "process" blog tonight.

Quilting. For the past few days, I've been quilting the applique basket quilt. I rather like variegated thread--I think much of the time, it adds interest to the quilting. But not always.

I had used a blue variegated thread to quilt feathers in a blue section. As I went on and later looked back at that section along with the rest of the quilting I'd done to that point, I was less and less happy with it. The thread went from a dark blue to a blue so light it was almost white, and the contrast was too much--the light color stood out like a sore thumb. Want to see?

But quilting is just like piecing. You can "reverse sew." Yeah, it's not easy or fun, but eventually I decided that was what I needed to do. And in looking at my work, I decided I would just take out the quilting where the thread was too light and redo it with a darker blue thread that blended with the rest. Using my seam ripper, I "clipped" every third stitch or so.

I then pulled away and clipped off the under thread, and that left little clipped thread remnants here and there. I soon picked those off and was ready to fill the spot in again.

About an hour later, I'd removed and replaced all the lighter blue sections.

Yes, it took time to "fix" what I wasn't happy with, but I know that in years to come, I would have been unhappy if I hadn't done it. Now I can move on with the quilting. I'll show you more as it progresses.

Do you have any questions about my quilting methods I can answer? I'd be happy to do another "process" blog or two if there's anything you're curious about--just ask.


  1. As far as machine quilting goes, I am curious about everything. What order do you quilt things in? How do you decide? Do you have a frame? Did you practice much to get as good as you are? With feathers, do you draw them on first? You know. Everything. I love your quilting!

  2. Is there any way you could have 'colored' in the thread with dye or a sharpie-like pen to get it to permanently blend the white to blue? Was it 100% cotton thread that would take color or a blend that wouldn't? Just curious if this crossed your mind before you did all that reverse sewing work. I may be way off the mark silly here but maybe someone knows of a way to change color on a quilt or thread somehow. :-)

  3. Kim, it turned out beautiful. your color selection is perfect.

  4. I hate when I have to pull out my quilting.

  5. I've been happy to see the "process" of many quilters. I would never unsew my quilting, as it was so much work to doing it, and effort to tear it out. But when I saw that many many quilters unsew, it gave me a lot of freedom to unsew and try again. I'm still learning and practicing but I did post today some quilting that I did on my domestic sewing machine. And I'm pretty please with how it turned out.

  6. Kim, it came out beautiful in the end. Your piecing and your quilting are are so perfect I'm envious. Unsewing isn't fun, ask me how I know. I love your blog, yours is one of the few I read every morning. Thanks for a great read. Toni Anne

  7. I did the same thing last week. I was using black thread to machine quilt. Ten rows looked great, but three didn't- against yellow and white fabric, it just looked too wimpy. It took some extra time, but removing/ redoing those three rows made me feel much better.

  8. Looks great so far! Love those feathers!

  9. As much as I think variegated thread is pretty... I do see "that" as a fundamental problem. So I can understand your unhappiness with the results... I'm so glad that you took the time (and a short amount of time relatively speaking)to make the "fix". Your quilt couldn't be more beautiful and I am sure that you will always love it.

  10. I love your work Kim!! Again thank you so much for sharing with the whole class!!! All the advice is moire than welcome!! Please keep it coming!!

  11. I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!!!! If I lived anywhere on your side of this country I would come steal it from you!! :D

  12. Wow!! Can't believe you fix all that in one hour!!!!! You're fast!!! I love how the quilt turned out!!!!

  13. I would love tips on machine quilting. About all I am comfortable with is meandering and stitch in the ditch. Do you mark your quilt or do it free hand? And how do you handle a large quilt?

  14. Your quilt is beautiful and I know that you will love it forever now. How blessed you are to know the things you do and able to "fix" it!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!