Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Crazy Weather

I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but in the United States, we're experiencing an unusually wet and cold spring. I heard that in Sacramento on Sunday, we broke the old low temperature record by quite a lot--apparently our high was only in the low 50s. We've had rain, hail, lightening, and thunder, and up around Lake Tahoe, they've had snow. This weather should continue another couple days too.

Not all of our spring has been this cold, though. We've had some nice days, and the plants are growing and the flowers are blooming. So that means it's pollen allergy season. And mold allergy season. And change-in-barometric-pressure season. Which means it's also sinus headache season. And I have one. ARGH!


  1. Weather is really weird all over! Floods and colder in some areas and a drought and wildfires here in Texas. We've been hot already and then abnormaly cool the next week. Strange! And still sinus headaches! Feel better soon!

  2. I live in Nebraska and we had frost warnings yesterday. Just a week ago we ran the air conditioner because it was 98 on Saturday and 95 on Sunday, but then a high of 48 this past Saturday. I have such a cold and it's in my chest now too, along with sinus stuff. Calgon take me away!

  3. Cold here in Illinois!! We were hoping to get our camper out, but alas it is just to chilly!! River has finally crested and is falling (I live 12 blocks up from the Mighty Mississippi) This has just been a crazy spring!!

  4. Not everyone is wet, we haven't seen rain in months! Most of Texas is experiencing "extreme' drought, as huge sections of the southwest, including my southern Arizona area, are suffering under drought conditions. We've had wild fires blazing for a good solid month now. This weekend the fires are under control, and for the first time in weeks you can't smell the smoke.
    Extreme might be a better way to describe what is going on. If you live where it is raining, the rain doesn't seem to stop. If you live where it is dry, well, dry is taking on a whole new meaning. And all the poor souls in the tornado belt. It certainly is an unsettled and unsettling spring.

  5. Here in New England we are having the same kind you are having on the west coast and my allergies are going crazy. The weather people are saying gray cold and showers thru Sat. Double ARGH!!

  6. The weather may be my fault. I washed my car on Friday, took the flannels and the extra blanket off the bed. Murphy's law...

  7. I agree with you on the weird weather!!! Hot one day and freezing the next..... I love spring, except for the allergy part!!! The nice thing about a raining day is that my nose doesn't itch and I don't sneeze as much!!!!

  8. Oh I so know the feeling of those sinus headaches. And I've never found anything that really helps. It has been very cool and wet here on Vancouver Island. Sunny today, thank goodness, but the wind continues to be cold. They say we are three weeks behind this year garden wise and I believe them. Another month and it will be summer. I sure hope it warms up by then.

  9. My father always told me that he had never seen it frost her past the 10th of May in southern Illinois. I think it came close last night though. Miserable weather here as well.

  10. Here in MO we are also having weird crazy weather. It warmed up for about 3 days and then here came the colds and cold again. We haven't had the rain or tornado threats like usual for this time of the year. Matter of fact, the furnace is on right now. Not right.

  11. Here in Florida, we are having a lovely late-season cool/dry spell... which means someone north of us is suffering. We're sorry.

    As for the change-in-barometic pressure sinus headaches, I get them all winter. I can always tell when a low-pressure system is coming through. Take one ibuprofen and one original (the kind you have to ask for at the pharmacy and show ID) suphedrine at the same time (important!), That usually does it for me.

    Good luck, and may the Spring be with you all.

  12. We're dealing with unusual rain as well in Utah. And I live in the desert! The water table is so high that water has seeped into one corner of my basement. And the snow in the mountains hasn't melted yet -- so we are expecting flooding when it finally does warm up.

    I don't know if you've ever heard about "the year without summer" (in the year 1816). but similar weather patterns in the northeastern US and Europe caused widespread famine. They attributed it in part to a huge volcano that erupted near Indonesia. I can't help but wonder if the volcano eruptions in Iceland last year have had the same impact on our climate this year.

    PS: I just finished quilt #8 in 2011. http://bountifulheirlooms.blogspot.com


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