Saturday, April 9, 2011

Naming the Creepy Bunnies

You are all so good at coming up with names, that it's impossible for me to pick! I've narrowed your suggestions down to four choices--and even that was really hard because I liked so many others. For instance, I loved Linda's suggestion of Finious Thumpkin and Flopsy Hare. The only drawback is that I was afraid I'd forget their names by next year. You see, I'm name challenged.

A couple years ago, I designed the Bette Bunny pattern (the one on the wall to the left, just above this paragraph), and I think I had my readers help me come up with her name. Then I made the boy bunny version and named him too. And I never can seem to remember his name from one year to the next! I was thinking about it the other day, and I think he's Benjamin. Bette and Benjamin Bunny. Sounds reasonable, right? I hope so. Poor guy.

Anyway, let's do this. I've created a poll in my sidebar just under my personal stuff. I narrowed it down to four pairs of names that I thought fit the creepy bunnies pretty well. You can only vote on one pair. (And please don't petition all your friends and family to vote for YOUR names because I'd really like to get as unbiased an opinion as possible. Not that you'd do that, right? No, of course not.) I'll leave the poll open until Sunday night and announce the winner on Monday's post. Thanks so much for playing along!


  1. Hi! I voted, but I'm not seeing your Bette Bunny link in your left column. Blogger makes me crazy. Yeah, that's the reason, LOL. Last day for my giveaway!

  2. I voted. :-) Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Just voted, too. I just wanted to tell you how much I look forward to your blog everyday. You are also one of the bloggers who write just like you're talking to us and I love that. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I am not very creative when it comes to names and such, but I did vote. They really are a little creepy looking!:)

  5. need a last name... clyde's last name was barrow, you could stick with that theme and call them bunny and clyde burrow!! way to punny to pass up!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!