Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sick Leave

Oh, man, I've been hit by some stomach bug. It started Tuesday after lunch when it just felt like my lunch didn't sit well. I worked another late night--until 9 p.m.--getting some trial documents finished, and then I just thought I was tired, but I woke up this morning feeling worse. So I've spent the day sleeping and just generally feeling icky and nauseous. Hopefully whatever it is will pass by morning. I've got too much work to do and quilts to make to feel bad for long!


  1. Ugh! Well no wonder!It sounds like you've been working around the clock! Just reading about your schedule wears me out! I'll bet your immune system's shot. Hope you'll feel better soon!

  2. Sorry...icky...hope you feel better soon!

  3. Bummer! Hope you get over it in a snap!

  4. Oh, I hope you are feeling better soon!

  5. Kim...I hope you are feeling better today. Letting you know I posted a photo of the tabletopper I made two years ago from your tutorial!! It was fun to make!! thanks again!!

  6. Hope you're feeling lots better! Piece....

  7. Oh, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you get better soon.

  8. Hope you feel better soon Kim! That's been going through our house too.

  9. I got hit my some stomache thing over the weekend. I hope you feel better!


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