Friday, March 18, 2011

A Little Something

I've crawled out of my sickbed this morning and I'm planning to make a run at going to work--at least it's Friday and there's only one day left of the work week. My stomach is still not quite right, but I think I'm at the point where laying in bed (and around the house) is making me feel more achy and kind of "dark" in mood than if I got up and tried to go about the day normally, so I think a change of scenery is the best medicine.

And I have a little something for you. When I showed you the pincushion my boss brought back for me from China, several of you thought it was pretty fun/cute or had stories to tell of a similar pincushion your mom or grandmother had, so I went looking for some online and ordered a few from China through eBay--I have three to give away.

If you live here in the US and would like a chance to win a pincushion from China, please leave me a comment. I'll pick winners on Saturday night and post them on Sunday's post, so you need to come back to see if you've won.



  1. Are you serious? These are too adorable to give away. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  2. We traveled to China a few years ago. How did I miss seeing these pincushions? I would love to have one. Please put me in the drawing. Since I live in Oregon, I think I qualify (smile).

  3. How sweet of you to share that cute pincushions.

    Hope you get through your day at work, it is hard when you feel poorly.

    I hope you will be able to get lots of rest over the weekend.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Those are so cute!! Such a neat giveaway!!

  6. How generous of you and what darling pincushions. Hope you get through your work day and have a nice weekend planned.

    Marilyn (noblog)

  7. Super cute!! =) Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a fun giveaway Kim, I would love to be entered in the drawing!

  9. Oh Kim, you are so nice! I love those pincushions and have wanted one for a very long time. I would be so happy to win one. Thanks so much and I hope the change of scenery helped you feel better!

  10. Hope you start to feel better soon!

    Those pincushions are adorable...thanks for the opportunity to win one!

    Take care and get well!


    Elaine in SLO, Ca

  11. LOVE the pin cushions...and I don't even own a pin cushion, but would love to have one! Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Get well soon. Hope that after getting up and around you feel better. Soemtimes it really helps to just get moving again.

    I love the pinchusions. Looks familiar, I'm thinking my great aunt might have been the one to have a similiar one. She always had the neatest stuff.

  13. I hope you feel better, soon.:) What an adorable giveaway!

  14. I think I've seen these pincushions in China town here!!! Don't enter me, I'm Canajun. Just had to comment on how cute these are.
    Lurking Linda
    Hey my wv is pincewe pin and sew?

  15. Oh I hope you're feeling better Kim! I know what you mean, sometimes getting up and around makes you feel better. The pincushions are adorable, I hope I win one! xo Jen

  16. Hope your feeling better! Stomach bug is going around our us too! Love the pincushions..very cute!

  17. Love the pin cushions. Hope you are better soon. I had it last week and was in bed for 4 days.

  18. These made me giggle I remember my mom had one and one day I was downtown Athens at the fleamarket and I saw one and I bought it and it's brand new ,they are awsome,I live in Greece and I was suprised to find one someone probebly had brought it from the states and ended up with me now.theodora

  19. My neighbor brought me one similar to this. It is little Eskimo children surrounding the pin cushion. They are even wearing little fur trimmed hats! These little Chinese children are just precious!

  20. Very cute pin cushions. Love them.

  21. I want one!!! Those are sooo cute.

  22. Kim -- I could certainly use one of those darling pincushions. I just think they are adorable! Hope you feel better soon!


  23. Those pincushions make me smile everytime! They just look happy! Hope you really are getting over your stomach problem.

  24. So cute! Please enter me in your giveaway. Hope you feel better soon.

  25. Hope that old flu bug has left town---and you are feeling better. Your pincushions are just as cute as can be. A girl can never have too many pincushions.

  26. Sandy from ThimbleberriesMarch 18, 2011 at 4:41 PM

    First, I am glad you are feeling better. I got up this morning to read your email before work and you weren't there. I missed you. You start my day.
    Second, I would love to win one of those cute pincushions. Please enter me.

  27. Ooh. How fun are these!! Hope you feel better soon.

  28. I was one of those who told you I used and abused mine until I could no longer use it. This kind of pin cushion is my favorite! I'm so glad I didn't miss this blog post...wish I would have thought to look online and snag these like you did! LOL I am with fingers crossed that I'll get to win one from will be used!

  29. I love the pincushions. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  30. How cute! Hope you're all better tomorrow.

  31. How thoughtful of you to think of others when you are feeling bad ! Hope you feel much better soon.

  32. Hi Kim -- Hope you made it through the day okay. You are SO thoughtful -- all the time! Thanks for going to all that work to make 3 of your readers so happy! Florence

  33. I have one that was my Grandma's and I use it everyday. I also have a slightly larger one of same old vintage I found at a yard sale. I sit that one around for decoration. I love to divide my pins by color in each of the little pie wedge-shaped sections.

  34. oh, I've always wanted one of these! Sitting here with fingers crossed! Cathy T

  35. So glad to hear you are on the mend.
    These pincushions are just too cute to pass up!! Very unique looking! Hope I win one. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Hope you are feeling better. Maybe you have just run yourself down with all the late hours, etc. I would love to win one of these cute little pin cushions. Thanks for the chance. Feel Better.

  37. I'd love to win one of your pincushions. I have a miniature one that is actually a Christmas tree ornament that was my Mom's and I love it...It would look very cute on a shelf along side a full size pincushion. Thank's for your generosity!
    Sandy E-H
    Bemidji, MN
