Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Are you getting tired of this quilt? Last photo--I promise! At least until I quilt it.

Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of it too. I had other things I'd planned to work on today, but once I decided on the piano key border, that was it--it took FOREVER to cut and sew those strips!

I realized today that I'd never formalized the 11 in '11 challenge. If you have decided to play along, please comment with a link to your blog so I can set up a list in my sidebar. I kind of think there should be a prize or two at the end of the year, although I haven't really thought it through yet, but I DO know that if there's going to be anything to win, you can only win if you're participating, so let me know.

What? You don't know what I'm blathering on about? Well, I decided my goal for 2011 was to finish 11 quilts, and for myself, I wasn't going to count Schnibbles quilts, because I know they're just too easy for me. I'm really going to try to concentrate on my UFOs in this challenge. AND I've actually finished my second of the year (the Back Home Again/Ellery quilt), although I haven't shown it to you yet--I need to assemble/sew a few accessories before I'll be able to get a good photo.

So, anyway, if this sounds like a challenge you'd like to accept, please comment with your link and I'll put you in my sidebar.

Our long (three-day) holiday weekend is over and it's time for bed--back to work in the morning. I'm glad you could stop by for a visit!


  1. I am participating, I have actually 3 UFO's done so far this year. It feels so good to get somethings completed. I have a couple more that just need the binding sewn on.
    Dorothy in IL

  2. Wow. That is awesome with the piano key border. Well done!

  3. I'm going for 50! Of course, some of mine are already flimsies....

  4. I'm up for the challenge. Love the piano key border on your Sweet Spot quilt.

  5. Love the way your quilt turned out.

    Sign me up for your 11 in 11 challenge. I better get working as I only have 1 in 11.

  6. I'd love to participate, but my biggest goal for this year is to complete my Dear Jane, and I know it's going to take most of my time. I'll be following along, though.

  7. I'm in. Does pulling patterns and fabric from your stash count? Or just projects that you have started somewhere along the way?

    PS I love your "Sweet Spot" quilt!

  8. The border may have taken FOREVER to cut, but in MHO it was definitely worth the effort. Spectacular!!!

  9. I'm in! I've been on a finishing roll since the end of January. Five quilts currently being quilted and two more UFOs finished and ready to quilt -- so I'm half way there!

  10. I like looking at this quilt. It's so colorfun and striking. Great job!!!

  11. Kim, love the sweet spot quilt! So pretty! Count me in for 11 in '11. I just finished binding one over the weekend....and #2 is over 90% done, just need to finish some quilting on it. I can be found at www.sassysmomentsquilts.blogspot.com

  12. Hi,

    That sounds like a really good challenge. Count me in! I already have one done this year.


  13. Your quilt is gorgeous! I just made the 9 block version and wished I had made the 16 block quilt...and you've made yours even cuter with that piano key border!

  14. Dang it! I wish I would come up with your brilliant little twists that make the pattern just pop! I just love your Sweet Spot Schnibble! Would it be ok if I joined your challenge for 11/11???

  15. Never get tired of seeing that quilt. I love it.

    A question about the quilting. Someone told me that you can only use signature thread on a Juki. Just wanted to ask you since I know you use a Juki.


  16. sweet spot looks great in punctuation. great border too.

  17. I would like to join. I have finished two Schnibbles, two tablerunners, a small wallhanging and an apron so far this year for myself, but I guess they don't count. I just finished a t-shirt quilt for pay - will that count? Do they have to be UFO's or can they be new ones? I have a goal to narrow down my UFO's but I also have several new ones to do - like my son's wedding quilt.
    Thanks for the challenge!

  18. The piano key border is just the right touch! Yeah, those borders take surprisingly forever to sew...

  19. Okay...you have my curiosity. I like the thought of 11 in 11. It's the dang commitment issues here, I would also have to count Schnibbles. I just sew too slow. can the 11 in 11 be UFO's and new projects?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!