Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Should Warn You About Gran . . .

I think she's getting kick backs from Triple A.

(If you aren't familiar with my Gran stories--and that may well be, because she and I haven't had an opportunity to get together and get into much trouble lately--she's my very good quilting buddy. She's also my embroidery guru, one of the gals who make up my stitchery group, and she has a blog--there's a link in my sidebar if you haven't read it.)

Sometime about a year ago, she and I went on a little adventure up to Paradise and Chico, and just before we headed home from Chico--a town that's about a two-hour drive from Sacramento--my car wouldn't start. We had to call AAA. And the guy came out and started it right up. Suspicious, right? Ah, just wait--there's more.

Last night, I went to Gran's house for our monthly embroidery class. As I pulled up across the street from her house, another woman pulled up right out front, and Gran came out to meet us. I had gathered up my purse and tote bag and was half out of my car when I heard Gran say something about a power failure. I stood up, set my stuff down on the seat of the car, and walked over to find out what was going on--yep, Gran said her power had been off for about an hour and she was going to have to cancel class. Well, I turned to go back to my car and realized I'd shut the door--and I was locked out with my purse and keys inside. See what I mean? I think Gran LURED me out of my car, fully intending me to lock myself out so I'd have to call AAA. Yeah, I know it seems like a bit of a stretch, but can it really be simple coincidence that she's been around the last two times I've needed assistance from AAA? I don't think so!

And there's something else. You know how on Halloween, when people don't want to buy candy and answer the door for trick or treaters, they'll turn off all the lights and pretend there's no one home? Well, just after I was LURED into locking my keys in my car, the lights in Gran's kitchen came on and I saw her hubby and son inside. So of course I have to wonder whether they didn't know about Gran's ploy to stage a fake power outage so she could turn everyone away from class and LURE me into locking myself out of my car, because obviously when they turned on the kitchen lights, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the power.

Hey, you know what they say, right? "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you." Yep, exactly! Oh, and that reminds me! Don't forget to watch Secret Agent Underpants on Survivor tonight, okay? It should make for some interesting viewing.


  1. I needed a little chuckle. Thanks :)

  2. How you two don't end up in orange jump suits is beyond me...

  3. She's definitely out to get you. Beware. Don't you read mystery books?! The villain (villainess?) is always the sweet, quiet "best friend"...

  4. What's that word the youngsters are using these days...frienemy? Love the paranoid saying, may have to make a tshirt, lol.

  5. Maybe she has a thing for the AAA guy?

  6. I'll definitely be watching Secret Agent Underpants tonight. BTW Perfect name for him. I think you are right about your friend taking kick backs from Triple A. It's all rather suspect isn't it?

  7. Thank you for giving me a laugh:) Today hasn't been very "peachy" for me and I really needed it!!!

  8. You have some great adventures with Gran. Even tame ones!

  9. I had an employee call in one morning with the power outage excuse, so funny she said to me, "I had no idea the power was out until I turned on my lamp and the clock was out" she honestly did not hear herself say that, I told her to go ahead and take the day off...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!