Monday, December 27, 2010


In so many ways!

First, because I spent some quality time today in the Sweat Shop. That makes me giddy!

Then there's this--

Yep, a whole fabric line called "giddy" that's filled with the color combinations I love. Take a closer look--

Love those reds, aquas, pinks, dark chocolate browns, and creams! Giddy indeed!

Finally, see that blog button over in my side bar? The Be Mine Blog Tour? That's the blog hop I'll be participating in as one of the designers. Not only does being asked to design a project make me giddy, but I'm using the giddy charm pack in my project.

I'll tell you a little more about the hop/tour and the project as we get a little closer, but it won't be long now--it starts on January 9th. Yikes! I guess I'd better hurry up and get my project finished before everyone shows up for the tour!


  1. Excellent Kim! That sounds great, love the fabric you are working with! Happy belated Christmas, Tracey

  2. I'm also using Giddy for my Be Mine Blog Tour project.

  3. Giddy looks gorgeous! I've never seen it in the UK though!

  4. Wow!! Congratulations Kim!! I am giddy with giddy up girl...and get 'er done!

  5. HA! I was going to use Giddy too but changed my mind yesterday. I'm glad I did!

  6. Oh good...I love hints of what is coming on a blog hop/tour!!! I will get me some giddy and be ready!!!

  7. I just saw that button on Sherri's blog. It looks like it will be fun. Can't wait to see what you make.
    Enjoy the snow. We have a lot too.
    Happy New Year!


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