Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Aftermath

Did you have a merry Christmas? We did here in our home. Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife to be Someday spent the day with Hubby, me, and the Wild Child. I'm pretty sure we didn't stop eating for more than ten minutes all day. Besides eating, we talked, laughed, opened gifts, and played a game or two.

I started preparing food and setting the table at around 10 a.m., and 11 hours later, around 9 p.m., things finally settled down and got quiet and everyone went their separate ways--Soccer Son went home (his LWTBS left a couple hours earlier to visit some other family members); the Wild Child did one final clean up in the kitchen and hauled all of her gifts and things to her room; and Hubby made sure he had a glass of ice tea and the remote control before sinking back in the recliner for some quality bonding time with the TV. And me? I bet you can guess. I headed to the Sweat Shop to finish up this the prairie point tree wallhanging designed by Cara and posted at the Moda Bakeshop.

This is the December project for the Le Petite group. I had prepared the prairie points and sewed the first five rows last week, but I really didn't think I'd find the time to get it finished with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas--but I did! Except, of course, for the quilting but I might get around to that tomorrow. And a few other final touches.

And yes, that's my one and only plan for Sunday, the day after Christmas--to spend it in the Sweat Shop! I hope you have equally exciting plans for what remains of the holiday weekend. Thanks for stopping by to say "hi"!


  1. Sounds like you had a great day like we did.

    Lovely Wall Hanging. Yes I am in the Cave today as well.

  2. It's nice to hear that you had a great day. Here in the Netherlands we have 2 Christmasdays. I love how you did your Praire point tree

  3. That was neat the way you finished your tree. Love your border. Sure went deep to get hat old print.

  4. Hi Kim
    I've been reading your blog for so long and decided it's about time I told you how much I appreciate your creativity and good humor. I'm going to work on a quilt top today as well. Here in NYC we're expecting a blizzard and I can't think of a better way to spend a snowy afternoon. Thanks again for the inspiration. Best, Pamela

  5. Sounds like the perfect day....I too will spend the day in the studio and I'm not cooking...well maybe a little but today it's all about me!

  6. Love your tree and I have the same plans. I'm now printing out the instructions for the last 2 LC block instructions and have plans to at least cut the fabric for it today. Maybe I'll even get some sewing time in. Big snow is on its way here so it's the perfect excuse to stay inside!

  7. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. I like your version of the Prairie Point Christmas.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day! Love your Prairie Points tree!~ I'm planning to work on mine today. :-) Have a fun day!

  9. Sounds like a lovely, low-key Christmas day--with the perfect finish of getting some creative quality time with your needle and thread :)

  10. Love the way you used the TB fabrics in your quilt! It's perfect!

    Nancy E


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