Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Talk

This year I decided to brine my turkey. What do you think? Do you brine yours? Smoke or barbecue it? FRY it?

Normally I just roast it the old fashioned way, but THIS year, about a week ago, I decided to brine it, because I had an experience over the summer where I brined pork chops and they came out marvelously moist and tender, which is unusual for pork chops. MY pork chops, at least. So I figured brining was magically good stuff.

There was only one problem: About ten minutes after I decided I was going to brine the turkey this year, before I even LOOKED at a recipe for brining, I forgot. Totally. Until about an hour ago, around 8:30 p.m. on the eve of Thanksgiving.

The internet is a wonderful thing. Within a minute or two I found a TON of brining recipes with all kinds of star ratings, so I was able to find one with an excellent rating that used ingredients I already HAD. Then I went in search of a who-knows-how-many gallon bucket and washed that out--several times. Of course there's NO WAY that bucket will fit in my refrigerator--not with the shelves holding all the OTHER Thanksgiving food! But remember how I said we were having a really cold Thanksgiving? Well, I took the bucket out to the garage and covered it with boards, and I'm sure it will be just fine there until around 7 a.m. when I retrieve the bucket, stuff the turkey, and stick the bird in the oven. (Just as long as Hubby doesn't wake up from his nap in the recliner, decide it's too cold for the Drooling Dog to sleep in his dog house on the patio, and bring him into the garage--THEN we might just lose our traditional holiday meal and have to get Chinese takeout for Thanksgiving.)

I've made the stuffing, and it's in the refrigerator. The rest of the meal--green beans with bacon, onions, and mushrooms; scalloped potatoes (I cheated and got Trader Joe's--we LOVE them!); Crescent rolls; and cranberry sauce will be simple and quick. Hubby was going to make a pumpkin pie, but he ran out of time today, so the Wild Child picked one up at the grocery bakery. Oh, and I have a few appetizers I can throw together. So, all in all, for our little family gathering, we're pretty well set and I'm looking forward to a nice day. And, of course, I hope you are too! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


  1. Never heard of brining. I'll be interested to hear how it tastes. Now, about those pork chops, I've baked them and fried them and they come out OK, but a little tough. I have found in my vast cooking experience, that the only way I like my pork chops is made with Shake and Bake. I swear, they are always so good, and you can cut them with a fork.If you haven't tried it lately....

  2. My son put his in a cooler overnight.

  3. I'm thankful for your crazy WONDERFUL self! Enjoy your family and meal.


  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too, Kim! You dinner sounds wonderful!! Enjoy!
    PS...I can't wait to get reacquainted with Trader Joe...I had a love affair going with him last year! He is definitely my kind'a man!!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving. Your meal sounds yummy!

    I usually brine the turkey and it turns out very moist and tasty.

    Is Trader Joes just a big grocery store?

    Have a great day!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. I also use the garage at holidays. I just load up a laundry basket with all ketchup, mayo, all that extra stuff and drag it to the garage, leaving lots of room in the frig for all the holiday foods. Speaking of Trader Joe's, they have the chocolate covered caramels with sea salt. I bought a box the other day with the idea that I'd just have one, and I ate 6 before I got home! No will power!
    Chris in Sacramento


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!