Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble, Gobble!

One more day of work and then Thanksgiving is here! Most years we've been invited to a smallish get together at my in-laws' house and we've gone a couple times, but I really enjoy cooking the traditional dinner at my house for my immediate family--and besides that, I LOVE having the leftovers to eat over the following few days while I work on getting the Christmas things out and the house ready for the season. And as far as Thanksgiving goes, I would also love to have a larger gathering at my house, but the house is so small, we can't accommodate more than about six people. Some years it's still so warm outside, if I'd known ahead of time, we could actually set up a couple tables on the patio and host the whole family, but this year is going to be one of the cold ones. The National Weather Service confirmed a tornado touched down for the first time ever in the foothills south east of us today and temperatures in the Sierra Nevadas will get down to zero degrees or below tonight. Brrrrrrrr! Perfect Thanksgiving weather, though, and the ski resorts should have a pretty good amount of snow to start off the season.

How about you? Are you cooking or going to someone else's house? Do you have any particular Thanksgiving traditions that you HAVE to repeat year after year? And what about Black Friday? Are you planning to get up and out early to shop? Personally, I prefer to sleep in and then get busy with Christmas decorations when I get up.

We'll be having our Thanksgiving dinner early in the afternoon this year so Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife to be Someday can have dinner at her mom's house in the evening. I kind of like the earlier dinner but it means prepping a lot of it tomorrow night.

Remember the photos I've shown you of turkeys lurking around my office? Yesterday I was in the kitchen/dining room, which is lined with one wall of windows looking out on a grassy section and then our neighbor's parking lot, and what did I see? A freakin' FLOCK of turkeys! I COUNTED them and there were TEN! I sure wished I'd had my camera with me. With the economy the way it is, I have to wonder how many of the flock will be left come the weekend!

I think I'll be back to post tomorrow night, but if I'm not, just picture me up to my elbows in stuffing, wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Now you know, I'm not normal, lol, and terribly non-traditional, so our day won't surprise you.

    The nuclear family is very small, and we're new-ish to the area...we instead hit a favorite restaurant for dinner and then THE CASINO! No leftovers to cope with, and virtually no crowds.

    NO CHRISTMAS PRESENT SHOPPING will be done by me today - cyber Monday. Knowing that Kohls will be open at 3am Friday morning just makes a traffic jam for hubby's trip into work! He works Thursday & Friday mornings, and I work Friday. I just can't support the "forced shopping" notion.

    Happy Thanksgiving Kim!

  2. We always celebrate with my in laws. It's usually a big crowd. Enjoy your day with your family.

  3. We'll be going to my parents house for dinner. My sister will drive up from Maryland on Thanksgiving Day, so we'll have a late dinner. Probably won't stay long, as #1 child has to be at work at 3AM on Friday morning! Ugh!
    May your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Kim. I will be entertaining 18 for Dinner on Thursday. I really enjoy your blog.

  5. My family will be headed to my mom's house tomorrow. I usually make the pumpkin pie. I'll be making the pumpkin from scratch this year. Today the pie. For the first time in 3 or 4 years I'm not planning to head out for early morning shopping on Friday. My partner that I usually shop with is away on vacation.

  6. This year we are having a smaller group, mainly just family. As usual our menu hasn't changed, even the canned shaped cranberries. It gets kind of boring making the same thing year after year, but I a pro at it now!
    I just wanted to drop in before I started those pies, to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Kim!! I can picture you...butcher knife in hand chasing that flock of turkeys...haha...yes where's the camera!! I know, I know...the turkey is thawing in the fridge...but I can dream can't I?...hahah
    Have a good one!


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