Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pest Extermination, Day 9

Look what I found in the fruit basket tonight. (The apple--the other stuff you see are Halloween decorations.)

And professional pest extermination is better why? And how much are we paying for it? ARGH!


  1. That rat's eating a little too healthily. Leave out some cigarettes and trans-fat laden foods, that'll kill him!

  2. Or leave out a carrot and a hunk of cheese..wouldn't wanna malnutrion the fella!


    My neighbor told me a suggestion for mice, would prolly work for bigger dudes...dry plaster of paris mixed with cocoa powder. The rodent eats the mixture and gets cast a little bit later. Your nose will find him.

  3. I think you should go down to the local shooting range, bring back some sharp shooters! They'll probably have that critter in no time for the price of a few beers!

  4. I hope you didn't pay in full...I suggest Terminex! Dianntha

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