Sunday, November 14, 2010

Did I Tell You . . .

That I'm teaching another class next weekend? It's basically a Christmas projects class, and the main project I'll teach is making a fabric wreath like the one below:

But I have a couple other projects I'm working on instructions and samples for, and tonight I spent the evening cutting up little kits for one of the projects.

Now that I think about it, I guess I spent a good part of the day rounding up the supplies I'll need for class. I visited Goodwill, the dollar store, and the thousand dollar store--Michael's! Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but Target is the hundred dollar store, so that name's already taken. Now I think I have just about everything I need, although I'll take one more look at my list just to be certain.

Between shopping trips today I joined a few friends for an afternoon of chatting and stitching, and when we got hungry, we just walked down to a restaurant a block or so away to pick up take out panini sandwiches. Gran was able to join us for stitching too, although she was still a little wobbly on her sea legs--she just got back from her cruise. And no, it wasn't her cruise ship that caught on fire and was stranded--she was on its sister ship, traveling the same route, but luckily for her, there were no mishaps aboard her ship.

Have you been following the Home for the Holidays blog hop? Kathy Schmitz was the featured designer on Friday, and she had a cute little stitchery banner for Christmas. I knew my friends would like it too, so I put together kits to take and give to them today. Gran is making two banners and is already working on the embroidery for the second, but she's much faster than I am. Still, I don't think it will be too long before I finish mine if I can find a little time between preparations for the upcoming class.

So far it's been a really nice weekend! I hope you're enjoying yours too. Now, it's time for bed, because there's still a day of weekend left and I don't want to sleep through it. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Can't wait to see ya next Saturday! Missed ya!!


  2. Cute banner. I'm adding that to my ToDo List!

  3. Kim,
    I love your fabric wreath- I have often thought about making one - very cute and it looks great on any door it graces.
    Glad to know Gran has returned - hope she had a fabulous cruise.
    Hope your Sunday was as productive and fun as your Saturday.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!