Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Bag is Packed . . .

and I'm ready to go! Well, almost. There are still a couple things to do before I can leave for a day of stitching with my friends.

Like sleep. Yep, it's Friday night, after 1 a.m., and I just emerged from the Sweat Shop to find the house quiet and the fam already in bed.

You may have noticed a distinct lack of quilt content in this blog over the past couple of days, and here's why:

I've been 'sperimenting. I've never printed onto fabric before, and I wanted to give it a try, so I bought a digital download on Etsy and printed it onto fabric. Then I added color with my colored pencils. And stitched it onto other fabric. And stitched THAT onto other fabric. And made a Halloween treat bag.

And tomorrow I'm going to give it to my stitchery hostess. Shhhhh! Don't tell! I think she'll be so busy getting things ready for us that she won't have time to read my blog. And I guess I'll need to make another Halloween treat bag soon for myself, but my next project is to start working on a couple of projects for the wool class I'll be teaching in a couple weeks. In fact, the supplies for that are in the bag--I'll be working on it with my friends tomorrow.

I guess I'd better go get that sleeping thing out of the way so I can go have fun in a little while. Thanks for visiting!


  1. That bag is DARLING!!! I want one too! :D Have a blast today.

  2. I love the bag! You are so talented. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. Wow Kim! It looks like you're taking the party with you. I like how you roll! :-)

    Can't wait to hear about all the fun you have. Wish I knew where you got all that energy?!?

  4. That bag is super cute, how can the lucky girl not love it!

  5. You were so right about not reading your blog! I am catching up right now to see what I missed - lol! The bag and you design on fabric are even better in person. I will take a picture of it final resting place and post it later this week. I LOVE THE BAG! and so did everyone else! THANK YOU KIM!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR THE GOODIES INSIDE THE BAG TOO! Hugs


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