Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just a Little Something I Whipped Up . . .

I had a wonderful time with my stitching friends today. Everyone brought some kind of food to contribute and our hostess made a really yummy chicken and rice salad--you can find it HERE--photo and recipe. Heavenly!

The six of us friends started talking about sewing spaces and I mentioned that mine is small, and over the last several weeks, it's become EXTREMELY messy--you know how sometimes spaces become catch-all spots and nothing ever gets put away? That's how mine was feeling. My plan was to do what I could to clean it up this evening.

I came home from our day together and I decided that what I needed most was a little nap; an hour later, though, I woke up refreshed and ready to tackle the job.

It's amazing what a little time spent organizing and cleaning up can do! Somewhere along the way, I came across the "makings" for a small quilt. It occurred to me that if I could finish putting it together, I could put all the leftover pieces away and that would be one less thing cluttering up the room--so that's what I did!

Last spring when I made the picnic quilt, I used some leftover Fig Tree fabric to demonstrate disappearing 9-patch blocks in the class I taught, and that's where these pieces came from. I had everything except the outer borders cut, and the disappearing 9-patch blocks and some of the sashing were already pieced. Easy peasy! Within about two hours (while watching MI-5 on PBS), I had the quilt top finished, and it was a nice break from the cleaning.

Someone--I think it was Cara--mentioned that having participated in the Year of Schnibbles meant having a lot of small quilts made up in case she needed one for a gift, and that's what I think this one will be. I'll need to quilt it, but I think an all-over quilting design would be appropriate and quick for this little quilt. But that will have to wait for another day. I nearly have the Sweat Shop cleaned up, but there's one more project I want to finish and put away before I go back to the other things I've been working on. But that will have to wait for tomorrow because it's my bedtime. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Tidying is essential! I love that you sewed as part of your tidying. I'm going to do that every time I tidy too!

  2. maybe ... just MAYBE ... if i took a two hour break from cleaning the magick shoppe and SEWED i wouldn't have so many surprises the NEXT time i decided to tidy up

  3. ONE of the GREAT bonuses of getting together with friends to sew is the energy and inspiration they give us to go home and get a lot accomplished in a small amount of time. Love your quilt AND the bag you made your hostess! Florence

  4. You always amaze me - just one of the reasons I think you are pretty darn special - amazing!
    We had a as much fun eating as we did chatting and oh stitching/creating too. Heading over to BP&HH to work the sale. ttyl


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