Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Want to Thank the Academy . . .

Have you ever visited Yosemite? If you did, and if you approached the park from the southwest end, then you've been to Oakhurst. I haven't been to Yosemite for quite a few years, and the last time I visited was, I think, just before I started quilting, so I've never visited Bear Paw Quilts & More in Oakhurst, but I'd like to someday.

Bear Paw Quilts has been one of this year's sponsors of the Year of Schnibbles Sherri and Sinta have worked hard to organize, and because I finished all 12 projects, my name was entered in the final drawing. Sadly, I didn't win anything. Not at first, anyway. Darlene of Quilting Daze was picked to win a table runner kit from Bear Paw Quilts. But she's one of those lucky people who wins everything, and she was kind enough to suggest Sinta draw another name--see, that's where she and I are different. She's kind; I'm . . . well, let just say I wouldn't have given the kit back for someone else to win. And, of course, that's probably why she wins--all that good karma stuff.

So, anyway, eventually Sinta picked my name, and the kit arrived a couple days ago. I wanted to show you what I won, even though the photo's slightly blurry--it a pattern called Maple Mambo together with all the beautiful fall fabric to make it.

I happened to click over to Sinta's blog today, and guess what? She's posted a photographic tour of Bear Paw Quilts! What a coincidence! Are you thinking about planning a trip to Yosemite at some point? Go on over to visit Sinta and see what's waiting for you at Bear Paw Quilts. Yosemite's a lovely place to visit in the fall.

Thank you Bear Paw Quilts, Sinta, Sherri, and Darlene! I had fun with the Year of Schnibbles, I can hardly wait to make up the table runner kit, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming year of Le Petite projects.


  1. Congratulations on your win! Like you, I don't think I would be able to give up a blog win. Darlene was very nice to do so. :)

  2. Darlene is a sweety this is I know for sure! That kit is wonderful!! Congrats!!

  3. I was so excited when I saw your post... I thought you were going to say you were coming to my area!

    I'm so glad you got the kit Kim! I think it will fit in perfectly with your decor! AND if you are ever heading to Yosemite, you had better call me! That goes for all you bloggers:)


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