Thursday, October 21, 2010

Excellent New Class!

A couple weeks ago, Gran told me about a class she had signed up for at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks called Vintage Notions and I thought it sounded fun. It was a little more costly than most classes I've taken, but then I found out it's a year-long monthly class and the cost of the class included a really cool book, so I figured it was worth it. Of course, I signed up, and tonight was the first class--and it WAS worth it!

The class is based on Amy Barickman's book Vintage Notions--

Barickman had come across old papers by and about Mary Brooks Picken, founder of The Women's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences in Scranton, PA, and many of the writings and articles associated with the Women's Institute from the 1920s are reproduced in the book. The book is broken down into seasons, and each chapter corresponds with a month--and that makes it easy for our class to meet each month and read from and discuss the corresponding month in the book. And, although it's October, we started with November, because of course we're all used to looking ahead and planning, so this is perfect.

Most of us had parents or grandparents who grew up in the 1920s, and that means that at least some of our time will be spent each month reminiscing about the "good old days"--or the "bad old days," depending on the specific topic and point of view. And what's more fun than getting together with a bunch of women and chatting about "women stuff" and memories? We had a great time tonight!

If you're a shop owner, teacher, or potential student, you might want to check out the book or look into taking a class based on the book at a quilt shop near you. And if you're already taking the class? Well, what do you think? I'd love to know!


  1. The class sounds interesting. Is it just a discussion group, or do you do something or make something as well.

  2. I'm wondering the same thing as Lady of the Cloth. Do you share older sewing notions, machines, cloth, etc?

  3. I've seen that book, it looks so interesting. I think I should put it on my Christmas list! Sounds like a fun class!

  4. I need to go check out this book. I love the concept and the era of the 1920's. And I feel a little kinship to Scranton PA - I lived there for a couple of years and have good memories. Thanks for sharing this -


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!